
Friday, June 30, 2017

I Haven't Been Reading Diversely.

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'm going to be doing something a little different, a discussion post. I normally don't do these because I always forget to say something, or my points aren't as eloquently put as I would like. Alas, I decided to do this one because I think it is an important issue! Here goes....

So... I have something to admit. I have not read a lot of diverse books, whether that be featuring  LGBTQ+ characters, disabled characters, characters of different ethnicities and races, and so on. I have read some, but I don't think enough to warrant having favorites. I think the reason for this is just the fact that I don't openly try to read diverse books. That is something I am trying to fix and I'm trying to read more diversely, but as a mood reader it is hard for me to say "I'm going to read this book" even though I want to support the cause. What is a bit sad is that people still have to openly seek to read diversely in order to do so. The books I'm reading right now could be considered diverse in one facet, but it seems more like a selling point where the author/publisher/whatever is saying "lookie here! I don't just write about white characters with the perfect life! Buy my book!!" instead of being organic.  

My opinion is that every book should be diverse in some way, because our world is diverse. I can't imagine a life without my disabled mom, my sister who is a sexual assault and harassment survivor, my best friend who has depression and PTSD, my other best friend from Bangladesh, and my other Lutheran best friend who goes on mission trips. All of these people are a big part of who I am, all of these people are diverse in one way or another. And having all of those things in my life is normal. But the fact that I read a book and there is a good chance that there is a character that is white, happy, and has  healthy friends, life, and experiences, is startling and saddening.

Let's look at the books I'm reading right now, and see how diverse they really are.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #34

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase an upcoming release that we are excited about. Jill hasn't been posting lately, so Tressa @ Wishful Endings has adopted WoW, and it is now called Can't Wait Wednesday.

My pick for this week is Rosemarked by Livia Blackburne!
A healer who cannot be healed . . .

When Zivah falls prey to the deadly rose plague, she knows it’s only a matter of time before she fully succumbs. Now she’s destined to live her last days in isolation, cut off from her people and unable to practice her art—until a threat to her village creates a need that only she can fill.

A soldier shattered by war . . .

Broken by torture at the hands of the Amparan Empire, Dineas thirsts for revenge against his captors. Now escaped and reunited with his tribe, he’ll do anything to free them from Amparan rule—even if it means undertaking a plan that risks not only his life but his very self.

Thrust together on a high-stakes mission to spy on the capital, the two couldn’t be more different: Zivah, deeply committed to her vow of healing, and Dineas, yearning for vengeance. But as they grow closer, they must find common ground to protect those they love. And amidst the constant fear of discovery, the two grapple with a mutual attraction that could break both of their carefully guarded hearts.

This smart, sweeping fantasy with a political edge and a slow-burning romance will capture fans of The Lumatere Chronicles and An Ember in the Ashes.

Why I'm Waiting!
I've seen this circling around the blogosphere for quite some time, and I'm intrigued! I love the classic opposites must come together, especially in fantasy. Also, it seems that the book will be pretty fast-paced, considering that Zivah will die in a matter of days. Plus, there is a political edge and a slow-burning romance, which is just calling to me. 

Are you looking forward to Rosemarked? 

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading! 

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

BOOK REVIEW | Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller

Title: Mask of Shadows
Author: Linsey Miller
Series? Yes, a duology
Pages: 384
Publication Date: September 5, 2017
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Source: I received Mask of Shadows via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts/opinions are my own. Thank you!
Perfect for fantasy fans of Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo, the first book in this new duology features a compelling gender fluid main character, impressive worldbuilding, and fast-paced action.

Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class―and the nobles who destroyed their home.

When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand―the Queen's personal assassins, named after the rings she wears―Sal jumps at the chance to infiltrate the court and get revenge.

But the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. And as Sal succeeds in the competition, and wins the heart of Elise, an intriguing scribe at court, they start to dream of a new life and a different future, but one that Sal can have only if they survive.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #33

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase an upcoming release that we are excited about. Jill hasn't been posting lately, so Tressa @ Wishful Endings has adopted WoW, and it is now called Can't Wait Wednesday.

My pick for this week is Heart on Fire by Amanda Bouchet!
The riveting conclusion to the Kingmaker Chronicles, available January 2018!

Who is Catalia Fisa?
With the help of pivotal figures from her past, Cat begins to understand the root of her exceptional magic, her fated union with Griffin Sinta, and Griffin's role in shaping her destiny.

Only Cat holds the key to unlocking her own power, and that means finally accepting herself, her past, and her future in order to protect her loved ones, confront her murderous mother, and taking a final, terrifying step--reuniting all three realms and taking her place as the Queen of Thalyria.

What doesn't kill her will only make her stronger...we hope.

Why I'm Waiting!
Heart on Fire is the last book in Bouchet's Kingmaker Chronicles, and I am ecstatic! I absolutely LOVED the first and second books, and you can find my reviews for both of them here and here, respectively. Cat, the main character, is possibly my favorite protagonist. After the way the second book ended, I cannot wait for this conclusion. I'll probably be skimming the first two books in preparation. 

Are you looking forward to Heart on Fire? 

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading! 

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Mini Movie Reviews | Beauty and the Beast, Guardians Vol. 2, Colossal

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! These past couple of weeks I have watched a TON of movies with my sister (it's our thing) and I'm going to review a handful of them! There is a local discount movie theater near me, that shows movies released a couple months back. Add redbox and a local movie theater playing recently released movies into the mix, and you end up watching a lot!

The movies I'll be reviewing today are Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, Colossal starring Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 starring Chris Pratt and Zoe Salanda. Without further ado, here we go!

Beauty and the Beast 
Release Date: March 17, 2017
Run Time: 2 hours, 19 minutes
Genre: Fantasy/Romance, retelling of the original Beauty and the Beast, which was released in 1991.
Rating: PG

The original Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney films. Though it isn't my all time favorite, it is up there! When I walked into the theater for the 2017 version, I tried to lower my expectations. I heard that the new Beauty and the Beast was basically an exact reiteration of the original, and didn't add much to the story. And though that is true, the movie was beautiful. The acting was done well, and the set pieces and costumes were stunning. However, the movie is nothing special, because it is the essentially an exact replica of the original. I'm sure that in 1991 when the movie was first made, people applauded the film for it's originality, animation, songs, and so on. The originality that made Beauty and the Beast so great the first time is lost the second go around. Though I enjoyed myself while watching the live action Beauty and the Beast, it didn't entrance me because I had already seen the movie countless of times. I felt like I already saw the movie when I was watching it. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn't get me too excited either. I give Beauty and the Beast a B.

Friday, June 16, 2017

BOOK REVIEW | Sleeper by MacKenzie Cadenhead

Title: Sleeper
Author: MacKenzie Cadenhead
Series? No
Pages: 272
Publication Date: August 1, 2017
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Source: I received Sleeper via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts are my own. Thank you!
A new suspense-ridden thriller that’s Heathers meets Inception.

As if surviving high school wasn’t hard enough, Sarah Reyes suffers from REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, a parasomnia that causes her to physically act out her dreams. When she almost snaps her friend’s neck at a sleepover, Sarah and her nocturnal habits are thrust into the spotlight and she becomes a social pariah, complete with public humiliation.

 When an experimental drug comes onto the market that promises nighttime normalcy, Sarah agrees to participate in the trial. At first, she seems to be cured. Then the side effects kick in. Why does a guy from her nightmare show up at school? Are the eerily similar dreams she’s sharing with her classmates’ coincidence or of her making? Is she losing her mind or does this drug offer way more than sleep?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #32

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase an upcoming release that we are excited about. Jill hasn't been posting lately, so Tressa @ Wishful Endings has adopted WoW, and it is now called Can't Wait Wednesday.

My pick for this week is Cover Fire by Jess Anastasi!
He'll protect her with his life...but who will protect his heart?

If the assignment is crazy, dangerous, or a little of both, Sub-Lieutenant Sebastian Rayne can’t help but take on the challenge. So when Command Intelligence tags him to fly one of their agents behind enemy lines, it seems like just another routine death-defying mission. Crash landing on the planet was a piece of cake, but the gorgeous agent he delivered safely to her meeting is now believed dead and he must return to retrieve her body.

After Agent Jenna Maxwell realizes her own people attempted to have her killed, she enlists the hot stick jockey’s help. His new mission? Sneak her back onto his ship to ferret out who wanted to get rid of her and why. But she fears her growing feelings for Seb have blinded her to his reckless insistence on helping her stay alive, and his rash behavior will cause them both to lose their lives.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

My June TBR!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I'll be sharing with you the books I plan on reading in June. Now, it is no secret that I suck at TBRs. If you look back at my TBRs and then what I actually read, they differ quite often. Nevertheless, I have a naive hope that I can stick to my TBR this time. 

With school done for me, I have a ton of free time. Today for instance, I've just read, done chores, relaxed, and blogged. With these extra eight hours in my day I'll have time to actually stick to my TBR. Without further ado, here are the books I hope to read this June!

For Sure

1) Deity by Jennifer L. Armentrout
So this might be cheating, but I just read Deity on the fourth! Deity is the third book in Armentrout's Covenant series, and it was pretty good. So far it has been my favorite in the series and I'm looking forward to reading the fourth. This series isn't my favorite of Armentrout's, but it is super fun. 

2) Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout 
And....this is the fourth book in the Covenant series! I had to put this on here, because I know for sure that I'll be reading this. I'm determined to finish the series soon, and I might read the fifth and final book this June too. The way that the third book ended had me reaching for the fourth right away. 

3) City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
After taking a break from the Shadowhunter world for almost a month, I'm ready to jump back in! I recently started reading City of Heavenly Fire and am really enjoying it. I've been spoiled about it a lot, some from my own fruition, but I'm still very excited to see how everything plays out. 
4) Windwitch by Susan Dennard
This is yet another fantasy book in a series I plan on reading! I guess I'm on a fantasy kick! While the first three are urban fantasy, this one isn't. Windwitch is the sequel to Truthwitch, which was published last January. I enjoyed Truthwitch, but I didn't love it. I'm listening to the audiobook of Widwitch right now and I'm already enjoying it more! 

5) Sleeper by MacKenzie Cadenhead
Sleeper is a thriller about Sarah, a girl who suffers from a REM Sleep Disorder that causes her to act out her dreams unconsciously. I am around 60 percent done with the book right now, and really enjoying it. I haven't heard any buzz about this, but hopefully some will start to circle around! 

6) Weregirl by C.D. Bell
I seriously need to finish this book. I have been reading this book for almost two months now. It's not that this book isn't good, there's just no push for me to read it and I keep forgetting about it. I'm determined to finish it in June though, because two months is an insanely long time for me to read a book. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #31

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! This week I will be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase upcoming releases that we are excited about. Tressa @ Wishful Endings has recently taken lead in this meme, considering Jill hasn't been posting on for a while. Learn more here!

This week I chose The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber!

Ever since the Delonese ice-planet arrived eleven years ago, Sofi's dreams have been vivid. Alien. In a system where Earth's corporations rule in place of governments and the humanoid race orbiting the moon are allies, her only constant has been her younger brother, Shilo. As an online gamer, Sofi battles behind the scenes of Earth's Fantasy Fighting arena where Shilo is forced to compete in a mix of real and virtual blood sport. But when a bomb takes out a quarter of the arena, Sofi's the only one who believes Shilo survived. She has dreams of him. And she's convinced he's been taken to the ice-planet.

Except no one but ambassadors are allowed there.

For Miguel, Earth's charming young playboy, the games are of a different sort. As Ambassador to the Delonese, his career has been built on trading secrets and seduction. Until the Fantasy Fight's bomb goes off. Now the tables have turned and he's a target for blackmail. The game is simple: Help the blackmailers, or lose more than anyone can fathom, or Earth can afford.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

BOOK REVIEW | Follow Me Back by A.V. Geiger

Title: Follow Me Back
Author:  A.V. Geiger
Series? Yes, duology
Publication Date: June 6, 2017
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Source: I received and e-galley of Follow Me Back via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Sourcebooks Fire!

Tessa Hart’s world feels very small. Confined to her bedroom with agoraphobia, her one escape is the online fandom for pop sensation Eric Thorn. When he tweets to his fans, it’s like his speaking directly to her…

Eric Thorn is frightened by his obsessive fans. They take their devotion way too far. It doesn’t help that his PR team keeps posting to encourage their fantasies.

When a fellow pop star is murdered at the hands of a fan, Eric knows he has to do something to shatter his online image fast—like take down one of his top Twitter followers. But Eric’s plan to troll @TessaHeartsEric unexpectedly evolves into an online relationship deeper than either could have imagined. And when the two arrange to meet IRL, what should have made for the world’s best episode of Catfish takes a deadly turn…

Told through tweets, direct messages, and police transcripts.

Monday, June 5, 2017

BOOK REVIEW | Atlantis Rising

Title: Atlantis Rising
Author: Gloria Craw
Series: Yes, trilogy
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Publication Date: January 6, 2015
Source: I received a galley of Atlantis Rising via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
You’ll never see me unless I want you to…

I am different. I have always been different, but no one can know or my life will be in danger. So I hide in plain sight, wearing drab clothes and thick glasses and trying to be invisible. I’m so good at hiding, no one has ever noticed me. Until Ian…the mysterious and oh-so-cute boy I know I need to avoid.

Now I have been seen. And more terrifying still, I am wanted—by those who would protect me and those who would destroy everything and everyone I love. But if they’re all terrified about who I am, wait until they see what I can do…

Saturday, June 3, 2017

BOOK REVIEW | Click Date Repeat Again by K.J. Farnham

Title: Click Date Repeat Again
Author: K.J. Farnham
Series: Click Date Repeat #2
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date: April 19, 2017
Source: I recieved a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
Never in her wildest dreams would Jess Mason ever imagine herself being a part of the online dating hype. Yet here she is smack-dab in the middle of it all. And she's dated her fair share of online crazies to be a new connoisseur of all the weirdos out in the cyber world. After a slew of bad dates and pussy (cat that is) pictures, Jess knows that she needs to finally commit to something—or someone. And suddenly there he is, a man she can actually imagine herself with.

But when Jess is faced with an undeniable attraction to a handsome, unavailable co-worker, she's conflicted about continuing her quest for Mr. Right-At-Her-Fingertips. Now, it's feast or famine—and she's not willing to starve. She certainly can't have both--that wouldn't be right. After all, that's the "old Jess." The new Jess is ready to start clicking with someone special and make a real love connection.

**This book is a spinoff of Click Date Repeat, so it can be read as a standalone.**

Friday, June 2, 2017

May 2017 Wrap Up!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be wrapping up my May! I managed to read some really good books, but certainly not many as I hoped. Considering today is my last day of high school (YAY!!!), I have high hopes for all the books I am going to read this June. 

Here are the books I read in May, from worst to best (in my opinion!)

 7) Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
Image result for click date repeat again bookRuby Red wasn't necessarily bad, but I didn't really like it either.  The book is the first in a series, and even though I can't say I enjoyed myself listening to this one, I did continue on. I hope to finish the series this June!

6) Click Date Repeat Again by K.J. Farnham
Click Date Repeat Again, much like Ruby Red, wasn't bad or good. I had a really hard time getting into the story and connecting with the characters. However, the last fifth of the book was done so well and almost made up for the lackluster beginning and middle. 
Image result for sapphire blue audiobook  5) Saphhire Blue by Kersin Gier
Sapphire Blue is the sequel to Ruby Red, and I liked it so much more. If you didn't know, the series follows Gwenyth, a sixteen year old girl who learns she can time travel. I found her extremely grating and juvenile in the first book, but she really stepped up in this one. Emerald Green is the last book, and I can't wait to finish the series!
Image result for atlantis rising book4) Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw
I actually received Atlantis Rising from Netgalley in exhange for an honest review, so in the next week you'll be seeing my review. Here's a bit of a spoiler about my feelings: I really enjoyed this! It isn't the best thing out there, but I loved how originial the plot was. I thought this would be a run of the mill paranormal YA, but it wasn't. 
3) Follow Me Back by A.V. Geiger
Follow Me Back is an upcoming YA psychological thriller that is coming out on June 6! This was the last book I read in May, and I really ended with a bang. I had no expectations going into Follow Me Back except for knowing that the ending is wonderful. Let's just say that the rumors were true; the ending was fantastic and the book as a whole was as well. 
2) Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
It was really hard to discern which book would get the top pick out of these two. Always and Forever, Lara Jean is the final book in one of my favorite YA contemporary series, and it didn't disappoint. Jenny Han has this way of writing that just speaks to me, and Always and Forever was no exception. You can read more of my thoughts here in my review. 
1) Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Last but obviously not least is Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. This book wrecked me. I already was spoiled for a good bit of it, and I still was sobbing by the end. This was such a perfect end to the trilogy, and I can't wait to learn more about the Shadowhunter world. Clare outdid herself with this one. 

So those were the 7 books I read this month! I am currently reading City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare and will then move on to who knows what!

Posts for the Month!
April Wrap Up!
Clean Sweep ARC Challenge!
Waiting on Wednesday #26
AUDIOBOOK REVIEW | Death Sworn by Leah Cypess
BOOK REVIEW | World After by Susan Ee
Waiting on Wednesday #27
Friday 56 and Book Beginnings No. 6
BOOK REVIEW | Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
Waiting on Wednesday #28 
AUDIOBOOK REVIEW | Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
TTT: Books That Scream Summer
Waiting on Wednesday #29 
Mangas I've Read + Give Me Recommendations (PLS)
BOOK REVIEW | Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Waiting on Wednesday #30 

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading and June!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!