
Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 in Review | Most-Read Authors

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be looking back at my reading habits of 2018. I went into my goodreads challenge page and went through my list of 100-odd books and tracked down my most read authors. 

When getting this post ready, I really thought that I read several authors a lot. But it seems like I really just read three authors very frequently in 2018. Without further ado, here are my most read authors of 2018! 

Okay, so funny story I never actually finished a Jane Austen novel this yer. I read two of her novellas this year, Lady Susan and Love and Friendship. I also read half of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Emma, and a couple chapters of both Mansfield Park and Persuasion. I had good intentions when it came to Jane Austen, but when I only had five days to read each book and other schoolwork, Austen went to the wayside. Even though I didn't get to finish any novels by her, I did spend a lot of time reading her books. I definitely want to finish Pride and Prejudice and Emma next year though! 

Oh Will...I read so many plays from his this year! I had a Shakespeare class and was quizzed every day, so I was held accountable (unlike my Jane Austen class). I never rated the plays, simply because I wasn't too sure how to rate them. Objectively, they were written masterfully. But subjectively, there were some plays I found dull. Either way, here are the 7 plays I read this year!
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • Measure for Measure
  • The First Part of King Henry V
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Hamlet
  • Macbeth
After reading all these plays, I seriously deserve a break...maybe I'll actually watch an adaptation instead of reading the play! 

And here's the kicker...I read 11 books and 2 novellas written by Christina Lauren! I really just went crazy with CL this year, and I've enjoyed every single one of them. I haven't loved every single one of them, but they've all been entertaining. I'm actually in the midst of reading Love and Other Words, and I'm really loving it. While it may be the 26th as I'm writing this post, I'm mostly likely going to finish my 12th before the end of the year. Here is a list of everything I've read by the author duo.  
  • Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful #1)
  • Beautiful Stranger (Beautiful #2)
  • Beautiful Player (Beautiful #3)
  • Beautiful Bitch (Beautiful #1.5)
  • Beautiful Bombshell (Beautiful #2.5)
  • Sweet Filthy Boy (Wild Seasons #1)
  • Dirty Rowdy Thing (Wild Seasons #2)
  • Dark Wild Night (While Seasons #3) 
  • Roomies
  • Autoboyography
  • Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
  • Dating You / Hating You
  • My Favorite Half Night Stand
Whew, what a list! Christina Lauren has taken over my life. I really need some more romance authors that speak to me like CL does. This next year I'm going to be on the lookout for some other romance authors. If you have any recommendations, please leave them down in the comments! 

Wonderfully, I would recommend every single book on this post! What are some of your most-read authors of 2018? 

Thank you so much for stopping by and I'll see you in the next year! 

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

2018 in Review | Best Books

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be looking back on some of my best reads of the year.  As of December 25, I've read 109 books, and there have been 13 standouts! I've had a wonderful reading year and getting the list to just 10 was impossible.

As was the case with my previous post, "2018 in Review | Worst Books" I went over to my goodreads and looked over the books I read. There were so many that I enjoyed, so trying to whittle it down to my favorites was quite difficult. My current read (Queen of Air and Darkness) might become a favorite, so hopefully I can finish that up before the end of the year! Keep in mind that this list is purely my opinion, and this list might not be indicative of your tastes.

Without further ado, here are 13 books that were above and beyond.

Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
I've always heard amazing things about Simon vs., and I am so glad I decided to read it! The book was spectacular, as was the movie adaptation. I haven't read this since February, but I'd love to revisit the book one day so I can bask in all the cuteness. 

Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett
I's Jenn Bennett! How could she not be on this list? Her YA contemporaries always deliver, and I should probably try out her adult novels. Starry Eyes was a wonderful read, and also another book I really want to own but don't. Starry Eyes is a combination of friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, and exes to lovers all in one relationship and I loved it. Also, there is a great relationship between the main character and her step-mom, which was great to see! 

Friday, December 28, 2018

2018 In Review | Worst Books

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be reviewing some of the worst books I've read this year. In 2018, I was pretty strict on what I did and did not read.When I first thought about the worst books of this year, nothing immediately came to mind. I take this as a great sign! I'd be less happy if several books came to me right away.

Since I couldn't think of anything off the bat, I trotted my way to goodreads and looked at what I read. While the year isn't over yet, it doesn't seem like either of my current reads (Lovestruck by Kate Watson and Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare) will make the list. Keep in mind that this list is purely my opinion and that if a book makes this list, I probably didn't despise it with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.

Without further ado, here are seven reads of the year that fell short. 

The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst

The Marriage Bargain was just so bland. This book feels like it was published in the early 2000s, maybe late 90s, but it was actually published in 2012. The sexist language and borderline sexual assault made me super uncomfortable. There's a scene where the protagonist voices her reluctance during a sexual encounter and the love interest responds with, "I don't care." WHAT!! Needless to say, The Marriage Bargain does not stand the test of time. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

BOOK REVIEW | My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren

Title: My Favorite Half-Night Stand
Author: Christina Lauren
Series? No, this is a standalone
Pages: 384
Publication Date: December 4, 2018
Publisher: Gallery Books
Source: I won the goodreads giveaway for the book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Millie Morris has always been one of the guys. A UC Santa Barbara professor, she’s a female-serial-killer expert who’s quick with a deflection joke and terrible at getting personal. And she, just like her four best guy friends and fellow professors, is perma-single.

So when a routine university function turns into a black tie gala, Mille and her circle make a pact that they’ll join an online dating service to find plus-ones for the event. There’s only one hitch: after making the pact, Millie and one of the guys, Reid Campbell, secretly spend the sexiest half-night of their lives together, but mutually decide the friendship would be better off strictly platonic.

But online dating isn’t for the faint of heart. While the guys are inundated with quality matches and potential dates, Millie’s first profile attempt garners nothing but dick pics and creepers. Enter “Catherine”—Millie’s fictional profile persona, in whose make-believe shoes she can be more vulnerable than she’s ever been in person. Soon “Catherine” and Reid strike up a digital pen-pal-ship...but Millie can’t resist temptation in real life, either. Soon, Millie will have to face her worst fear—intimacy—or risk losing her best friend, forever.

Friday, December 21, 2018

BOOK TAG | Naughty or Nice?

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be doing a book tag! I absolutely love book tags, and when I saw this on czai's blog, The Blacksheep Reader, I knew I had to participate. The tag was originally created by Jenniely on her blog, The Page of Jenniely, so make sure to check out her post as well! 

This tag takes a look at some bookish sins. In order to determine whether or not you've been a good bookish person this year, you go through the list and see which ones you are guilty of! Without further ado, here is the tag!

Received an ARC and not reviewed it 

This is a big YIKES for me! I have a couple books on Netgalley that I haven't finished yet, but have started! I am planning on finishing them, but priorities (school, mental health, and family) take precedence. This year, I haven't read The Raging Ones Krista and Becca Ritchie, Mirage by Somaiya Daud, and the anthology Toil and Trouble. Maybe I have an aversion to purple book covers?? eeek!

Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley 

Not guilty! I actually worked really hard this year to get my NG rate to 80 percent, and I want to be at 90 eventually, but that will mean getting more books and reviewing them to even out the ones that I got but didn't end up finishing. Right now, I have a good 84 percent. After I finish my ARC, I think it'll be 85 or 86 percent!

Monday, December 17, 2018

November Wrap Up!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, where I don't regularly post! First, I'd like to acknowledge my lack of posting recently. School has been very hectic with finals, but I just finished the semester! I'll have an extended break from the 15th until the first week of the new year. Hopefully I'll be writing enough posts to keep me afloat. :)

During November, I read 10 books! I am pretty proud of this number since I had so much going on. Here are the 10 I read:

1) The Accidental Beauty Queen by Teri Wilson 

 The Accidental Beauty Queen is a quick, light, rom-com about two twins doing the classic switcheroo ala The Parent Trap at a peagant competition. It wasn't my favorite book ever, but it was great to read during such a stressful time.

2) Hamlet by Shakespeare

I wrote a whole research paper about Hamlet, so I'm kind of done talking about it. Hamlet isn't my favorite Shakespeare play (honestly, I don't know what is), but I enjoyed it and understood it a lot more than I did three years ago on my first read. 
3) Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare

By reading Lord of Shadows this November I was able to finally catch up with the Shadowhunter chronicles. Since Queen of Air and Darkness just released, I am now behind the curve. LoS was a wonderful book, but it wasn't completely perfect. Still, it's one of Clare's best additions!
4) My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren

I love Christina Lauren, so I was ecstatic when I won My Favorite Half-Night Stand through a goodreads raffle. I will say, Lauren's latest release is not my favorite, simply because I felt uncomfortable about the catfishing scenario. Nevertheless, this author duo's writing style is spot-on again. 
5) This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada
This Cruel Design is the sequel to one of my favorite books of last year, This Mortal Coil. Though This Cruel Design didn't live up to my ultimate crush on This Mortal Coil, I really liked the sequel and the plot kept changing course so many times. I'm eagerly anticipating the third novel! Emily Suvada here I come! 

6) Bro Code by Kendall Ryan
 Ah, another romance novel. I mean, would this be a wrap up anymore if I didn't have a romance novel with a cringe-y cover on the list? Bro Code wasn't a new favoirte, but it was a quick read. I'll be looking up Kendall Ryan on Scribd and seeing what else I can read from here!

7) Macbeth by Shakespeare
Oh, Macbeth...what a play. I really enjoyed both Hamlet and Macbeth, and much like Hamlet, I understood and enjoyed it much more than my first time. If you are new to Shakespeare, I would recommend this or Romeo and Juliet as a first read! 

8) Trouble Brewing by Suzanne Balstar
I recieved Trouble Brewing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Much like all the romance novels on the list, Trouble Brewing wasn't the best thing ever, but it was entertaining. I also liked the feminist undertones as well. 

9) The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst
The Marriage Bargain was definitely my least favorite of the month. I saw it on Scribd and thought, why not? I normally read romance novels that are recently published, but I wasnted to give Jennifer Probst a try since she's so popular. Unfortunately, this didn't age well. There's cliches after cliches, and the love interest isn't that great of a guy, even after his "redemption."  

10) The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory
I have heard such wonderful things about The Wedding Date! While my sister went crazy at the local mall on Black Friday, I got tired of shopping quickly and headed over to the Barnes and Noble and read half of the book in one sitting. I then listened to the rest of it via audiobook on Scribd, and really enjoyed myself. While I thought some of the actions from the love interest were troubling (reacts harshly and kicks/throws things when angry), it was pretty good. The dailogue could get pretty stilted, but I liked The Wedding Date enough that I'm planning on reading Guillory's other release soon, The Proposal. 

Life Updates!

Goodreads Challenge!

I completed my goodreads challenge this month! My goodreads challenge was set to 100 books, and I surpassed that easily this year. This surprises me because I've rarely reached my goal these last two years. Being in English classes at my university helps, because it makes me read books even when I'm busy, because it's homework! I'm not going to up my challenge, and instead just read what I want with no pressure at all. 

Her Campus Articles!
As I mentioned last month, I am a staff writer for Her Campus, which is an online collegiate magazine. There's chapters all around the world, and I work for the one for my university. 

Well, that was my November wrap up? Have you read any of these books? What did you think?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

INTERVIEW | Teri Wade of The Accidental Beauty Queen!

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! As you can see, I have a different sort of post for you all today -- an author interview! I recently read Teri Wilson's The Accidental Beauty Queen and was swept away into a world of pageantry, sisterhood, and love. When I got an email asking if I could be a part of the novel's blog tour, I bit at the chance! Without further ado, here is my interview! 

If you are interested in purchasing the book for you, your friend, your library, etc. links to booksellers follow the interview. 

Hi Teri! Thanks so much for stopping by at my blog! To start off, why don’t you give us the elevator pitch for The Accidental Beauty Queen? 

The Accidental Beauty Queen is a fun story in which a shy librarian takes her identical twin sister’s place in a national beauty pageant and ends up learning a lot about herself and what it truly means to be beautiful.