
Sunday, March 15, 2020

10 Feel Good Reads to Ease Your Anxiety

With all the news swirling around about COVID-19, I know that many of us are feeling anxious, including myself. Plus, with professionals suggesting we distance ourselves socially, loneliness will surely creep in. To help alleviate some of the anxiety and loneliness many of us are feeling, here are 10 reads that will hopefully ease your anxiety and transport you into a simpler world of happy endings.

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

Crazy Rich Asians is one of my most recent reads, and I had such a fun time reading it! After watching the movie a couple years back, I always wanted to read the source material, but I never got around to it. This semester, I am taking a class about book to movie adaptations, and was required to read Crazy Rich Asians! I had such a fun time immersing myself into this high-drama, extremely capitalist world where no one is good enough unless your the richest of the rich. It's nothing like my world, and I quite enjoyed escaping to another!

Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson

Nothing to See Here is such a delightful read. The novel follows Lillian, a 20-something year-old whose life is off-track. When she's asked to become a caretaker for two children who combust into flames when they get agitated, she decides to go along with it. Nothing to See Here is bizarre, hilarious (I laughed out loud multiple times), and heart touching.

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord
 Goodreads | IndieBound

If you would rather read a YA novel, then feast your eyes (and your food desires) on Tweet Cute, a 2020 re-imagining of rom-com classic You've Got Mail. The chemistry between the two leads, Pepper and Jack, is spot on, filled with banter, awkwardness, and a strong bond.