
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Book Review: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Angel is the first book of The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare, which is a companion series to The Mortal Instruments, a six book series. I read Clare's books by publication, so this is my first in the trilogy and the fourth book of hers I have read. I don't really know have to summarize my feelings for Clockwork Angel. The novel was good, I'll give it that. However, I just couldn't care for the characters and I haven't connected to them at all yet. Hopefully that will change with the next two books in the trilogy, and I have heard that it does get better.

The novel starts off with our protagonist, Tessa, being held captive by the Dark Sisters, and soon enough, Tessa is thrown into the Shadowhunter World. I can't really say that I liked Tessa as a character. I love that she is a reader and is also intuitive. For some reason though, I cannot connect to her and don't really care for her that much. For me, she was too self-pitying for me to read about. The only three characters I do like are Charlotte, Will, and Jem. Charlotte is such a great character. She's the epitome of a strong women. She does and speaks what she wants and is in a leadership position. Charlotte also kicks ass, so there's that. Will and Jem are the two love interests for Tess, and I've heard that the love triangle will tear me to pieces inside and then put them back together. I love how Jem and Will are such good friends and it reminds me very much of Jace and Alec's friendship in the Mortal Instruments. Both men are so charismatic in their own way and I am looking forward to seeing how the love triangle progresses.

My main gripe to this book is that I didn't relate to any of the characters or parts of the plot. Jessamine grated on my last nerves; Tessa complained too much; and I really didn't care for the whole "Who is the Magister?" part of the story. That said, I did enjoy the fight scenes and the automaton prospect. Even with not being able to attach to some of the characters, I read the book fairly quickly (three days, I think) for being as long as it is. I like this book just as much as I did City of Ashes, the second Mortal Instruments book.

Clockwork Angel isn't close to being one of my favorites of the year, but it is a solid read and I am most definitely continuing with both series by Cassandra Clare.

With that, I give this book

3.8 out of 5 Stars!