
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Book Review: Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Onyx, the second book in the Lux series, kept me reading until the wee hours of the night.

When I started reading Onyx I was very hesitant. I enjoyed the first book, but didn't love it and didn't know whether or not I wouldn't continue with the series. Boy, am I glad I did. Onyx was so much better than Obsidian, the first book in the series. The novel started out with a bang and never slowed down. I won't be giving much of a synopsis because it is the second book and there would be a ton of spoilers. Onyx is now also found in a bind up set called Lux: Beginnings, so if you're trying to find this one, keep an eye out for that edition.

I did have my issues with Onyx, but it drew me in so much I could not stop. Katy and Daemon's chemistry was spot on. There were some scenes where Daemon was so sincere and I wish I could have seen more of those moments, because that is when I really liked him. Daemon is still a major jerk a times, but he was much more likable and I definitely liked him and Katy more as a couple. My main issue was that they would not communicate to each other what was happening. Katy finds out some pretty big stuff throughout this book, and dear lord, if she just told him everything would have worked out much smoother. Their communication skills are completely lacking and it really frustrated me at times how they would both not tell each other things that could have stopped so much drama for happening. My only other problem is that the antagonists, even when it's supposed to be a twist, are so painstakingly obvious to me. I guessed who it was right when they were introduced and I wish it was a bit more subtle, because I was never really surprised at any time while reading this.

Just because I didn't get the shock value of the book does not mean that I did not enjoy it. Some of the more minor characters were really fleshed out and I liked seeing more of them. Hopefully by the next book there will be more scenes with Ash, Daemon's ex girlfriend, because she seems like a character we've only scratched the surface on so far. The plot in this book, like I said before, kept me hooked right from the beginning. I seriously could not put this book down.  I started reading this at ten at night until three in the morning. Sure, I took breaks a time or two, but I went straight back to Onyx. I needed to know what happened next and it was so hard to finally put it down and go to sleep.

Daemon and Katy were such stronger characters this time around, and I finally started shipping them. I still hate it when Daemon is a jerk, but I hope that tough-guy exterior mellows out next book. Their scenes together are always filled with such chemistry, but what I really liked about them is that the got to truly know each other. It made me believe that if they were just both normal people, they would eventually end up together anyways. The one character that I really hated this whole entire time was Blake. He didn't get what was coming to him at the end of the novel, and I'm sure he is going to stir up a whole bunch of shit in the next book, Opal. On the other spectrum, there were some characters that I wish I saw more of. Katy's friends, Dee, Lesa and Carissa were really great and I loved reading the high school moments that were in the book. I'm assuming we won't be seeing much of Lesa and Carissa just because things are getting more intense on the alien plot as the series progresses. I really loved Dee in the first book and in this one, and I hope I see more of her in Opal.

Overall, I did have issues with the book as whole, but I still really liked it and will continue on with the series. In my opinion, Onyx is a much stronger novel in comparison to the first and I look forward to what is coming.

With that, I give this book

3.75 out of 5 Stars!