
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Haven't Finished

This year, I've finished up a lot of series and some have become my favorites. However, there are some that I still haven't read that I'm really looking forward to! I'm going to be listing books where the series has completed or where I haven't read up to the latest release, or else I'm going to be listing series that won't be finished for a while!

1.) The Taking Trilogy by Melissa West
I read Gravity, the first book in the trilogy, a while back and adored it. Gravity was one of the books I read right as I was getting into sci-fi, and it has such a special part in the heart. I'm sure if I read it now I could find flaws, but I still recommend this trilogy! I finished the second book this February, and I really want to finish the series by the end of the year.

2.) Partials Sequence by Dan Wells
It was actually more than a year ago since I've read Partials, and to be quite honest, I'm really hesitant to pick up the next book even though I own it. I forgot most of the stuff that happened, and though I like the story I feel like I'd need a really big refresher on what happened before I read it, so it might be a while until I actually finish this.

3.) Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
The last time I read a Vampire Academy novel was back in April, and I was sure I was going to finish the series by the end of this year. When I finished Blood Promise, the fourth novel, I was actually a bit disappointed. I haven't felt the need to read these books, and I think a break from the series is much needed. However, the first three books were addicting and blew me away, so I am thinking about picking up the fifth once I get a break from school.

4.) Prisoner of Night and Fog Duology by Anne Blankman
Just by looking at my read shelves, you can tell I don't read historical fiction that much. It takes a lot for me to be drawn into the story, but the first novel in this duology blew me away. Prisoner of Night and Fog was one of my favorites from last year, and the more I think about it, the more I want to pick up its sequel and conclude the story.

5.)  Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Steifvater
When I read Forever, the third book in the former trilogy, I thought I was done. Back when I read it in 2011, I loved the story and the first three books do hold a certain nostalgia for me. I started reading the first book back when I was in sixth grade, and I'm now in eleventh. Four years have passed since reading Forever and though I do want to read about Cole and Isabel, my interest in the books have dwindled. However, it's just one book and my online library does have it for me whenever I want.

6.) Reboot Dulogy by Amy Tintera
Reboot took me by surprise when I read it. What surprised me even more was that this series is a duology! The first novel was quick paced and dark. Once again, my library has this online whenever I want to have it. I might be picking this one up soon!

7.) Penryn & the End of Days by Susan Ee
I adored Angelfall, the first in the trilogy by Susan Ee. You can find my review here! When I finished the book I picked up the second straight away, but I'm hesitant to read it not only because my library doesn't have the third but because my expectations are so high. I don't want to be disappointed, so I am going to be putting off World After until my own fangirling dies down a bit.

8.) Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare
I have such a strong love-hate relationship with Cassandra Clare's books. I didn't really like City of Bones, but the series has gotten better as it has progressed. I've now read three of the Mortal Instruments Series and one of The Infernal Devices trilogy. Though I loved City of Glass, I didn't like Clockwork Angel that much (you can find my review here). Since I read her books by publication date, it will take me a while to get through this series. But the TV series is coming out next year, so I want to be further on in the series before that airs.

These last two are my exceptions! The last book in each of these series are coming out later this year and I'm so excited to read them this year!

9.) White Rabbit Chronicles by Gena Showalter
When I found out a fourth book was coming out in this series, I got so excited! I love the world and plot, and I'm really happy to see Frosty finally get the happy ending he deserves. Every single book I have given five stars to. The books have grown just as I have as a reader, and I'm eagerly awaiting the final book. This series is the perfect blend of light, dark, funny, and steamy. The White Rabbit Chronicles is absolutely delicious and bleeds with intrigue. I cannot wait for the final installment.

10.) The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
The finale to the Lunar Chronicles is my most anticipated read of this year. Marissa Meyer is coming to a town near me during her book tour, and I could not be happier. The Lunar Chronicles is one of my favorite YA series of all time and I cannot wait for what is bound to be an epic conclusion. Can we also talk about how Winter is 824 pages? I love it already.

Sorry this was so late guys! My week has been hectic to say the least! Are some of your series on the list? What did you think about them?

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!