
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Will NEVER Finish!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted at the Broke and Bookish! Make sure to check them out! :)

This week's topic was Ten Bookish Things I Want to Quit or Have Quit. We could make it our own and I decided to talk about the ten series that I have no desire to finish. These might be trilogies that I started a while back or a series that I started this year and was disappointed in. Just as a disclaimer, I do not want to offend anyone with this post! If you loved any of the books down below that I mention, I applaud you! You're a less picky reader than I am!

10.) Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore

I read Graceling back in December last year and loved it! The novel was fun and kick ass, and I love the concept and originality. Unfortunately, I don't have any need to read the next two books. The trilogy is all companion novels, and the two main characters, Katsa and Po, had a great conclusion. There might be a time when I go back and read the final two books, but I don't feel the need as of now. Graceling left me very happy with the way it ended and I want to keep it that way. *Now that I think about this, I'm really on the fence! Ahh!!*

9.) Shipbreaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

I despised Shipbreaker when I read it two years ago. The story was boring and the characters were flat. I barely got through it and only did because I was reading it for a class. Although the series is only a duology, I won't be finishing the series. The only reason I would is if I have nothing to read, and that won't happen any time soon!

8.) Wings by Aprilynne Pike

I'm a bit torn on this one. I read the first two books of this quartet in 2012 and was a bit disappointed with both of them. The series has a lot of hype surrounding them but I just can't connect to the characters at all.One day I might feel the itch to pick the series up again, but I'm not expecting to read the final two any time soon.

7.) Need by Carrie Jones

The Need quartet is much like my situation with the Wings series as well. I read the first two a really long time ago, probably a year or two before I got a goodreads account. I eventually picked up the third book, Entice, in 2012 and was so disappointed by it. I only have one book left, but I've gotten over the series and will probably only read it if I'm doing a series read-a-thon.

6.) Elixir by Hilary Duff

Elixir is a trilogy by "Hilary Duff" and I was so let down. I read it in 2012 and though I had really low expectations, I still did not like the novel. The book just unnerved me and I couldn't stand the characters.

5.) Monument 14 series by Emma Laybourne

I read Monument 14 near its release and actually really liked it at the time! The more I think about it though, the less I want to read the series. Back when I read the novel, I couldn't connect to the characters but loved the premise. However, I didn't like the ending at all, which is one of the main factors why I won't be reading this series.

4.) Last Survivors by Susan Beth Pfeffer

I am really unsure about whether or not I'm ever going to finish the series. I read the first two books and even own the third, but my passion for the series has truly dwindled. If I were to read the third and fourth novel it would probably be during the summer when I have endless days of reading.

3.) The Wither Chronicles by Lauren DeStefano

The Wither Chronicles was all the rage back when it was released and I had to get my hands on it. I remember when I first read the book, I truly adored it. Now when I look back on the novel it annoys me so much. I do own the second book, but I'm so hesitant to just read the series and finish it because I heard it never really improves.

2.) Fallen by Lauren Kate

Holy crap, this series guys. I had no idea I could despise a series as much as I do this one. The story, characters, and writing are all dull and fall flat. I read the first two and endured a lot of mental suffering because of it. For some reason though, I kind of like torturing myself and see whether or not the series could get better. Who knows what will happen?

1.) Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth

I read the first two novels of this infamous trilogy when I was in middle school. Back when I read them, I could find no faults and adored them to pieces. Since then, I've grown as a reader and what I do remember I have a lot of mixed feelings about. With everyone freaking out about what happened in Allegiant, I've been completely spoiled and feel no desire to read the conclusion.

Have you read any of these mentioned above?? What did you think of them? What books do you think I should reconsider?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!