This is one of my favorite weekly memes that I just started. Basically, we show a book that pertains to the subject for each week and the covers from all over the world of that book. Because it is Thanksgiving today, we're doing showcasing a book that we are thankful for! I did a post like this on Tuesday, where I listed the top ten books I'm thankful for this year! Go check it out here!
Today I am choosing....
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover! This is one of my favorite books of this year and I am so thankful I found this when I did! Colleen Hoover's writing is so addicting and reading the novel was such a great experience!
English Covers
I like both of these covers! The one of the left is my favorite out of all of these and the most commonly found. I think it completely enraptures the whole enitre story! The cover on the right is alright. I feel like it is a pretty standard cover, and I don't really feel like it captures the essence of the story. But overall, it is okay. Not great, but fine. I definitely like the cover on the left more. It's my favorite and I'm glad I own that version!

Least Favorite

Overall, there were more covers that I anticipated to liking. Even the my least favorite ones aren't that bad! What books are you thankful for? Maybe Someday has been one of the best reads of this year and I'm so happy that I took a chance on it.What has been one of your favorite books of this year?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you're having a good day!
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!