
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Currently Reading #5!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I'm going to update you on what I've been reading.

As of right now, I'm reading three different books! This normally never happens. I usually stick to one book and then move right on to the other. This is probably why I haven't finished as much books and I usually have this time of the month. I don't feel a reading slump coming on, so that's good!

Winter is the one of the three books I'm reading right now and I'm adoring it! I just reached page 660 out of 824, which is 80 percent of the way through. I'm so close to the end and I can't wait to see how it wraps up! By Monday, I want this book read. Everything is coming to its climax, and I know the end is going to be amazing. This book is already spectacular. There are so many plots and sub plots that have to be resolved, so I'm glad Meyer didn't try to rush it and make the book any smaller than it is.

The other book that I have been focusing on is Sweet Temptation by Wendy Higgins. This novel is the fourth book in the series. Sweet Temptation actually recaps the first three books but in Kai's point of view and not Anna's. I'm really liking it so far. Yes, the book is not perfect, but it's a really substantial novel.Since Sweet Temptation is basically an overview of the three novels, I already know what is going to happen next. However, I really love reading from Kai's POV because it really clears up a lot from the series. I'm reading this through my online library on Overdrive, so I don't know what actual page I am on. All I know is that I'm also 80 percent done with this one as well. Once again, I'm hoping to finish it by Monday as well.

The final book I've been reading has been on the back burner. I kind of stopped reading it once I got my hands on Winter. The Dawn on the Dreamer by L.J. Higgins is a solid book. While it's not the best thing I've ever read, I love the premise of it. If you haven't heard of the book, Dawn of the Dreamer is actually a dystopian read that follows a girl throughout the corrupt society. In this world, dreaming is prohibited and controlled by a device implemented in everyone's body. This contraption doesn't work on our main character, Amelia, and she is studied by the government as to why. You can find it's goodreads page here. I'm just going to read this at my own pace and see where it takes me, so I don't really have a time that I am aiming to be finished by.

Have you guys read any of these or are any on your TBR? What have you thought of them? What are you currently reading?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys son with another post!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!