Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
I am so excited for Illuminae! I started reading is last night and is was so hard to put it down! I don't really know much about it, but that was what I wanted so that I can be even more mind blown. Needless to say, I am so eager to just sit down and devour this!

I read the first book in this trilogy, Partials, just around 2 years ago and I own the second. I want to read this book, but I hope that I haven't forgotten too much of the first one. If need be, I'll read the last forty or so pages for a refresher. This isn't too high on my to-read list, but I would really like to get to it by the end of the month!

A Thousand Pieces of You is a book that I should have read a year ago and never got around to. From what I have heard, the science fiction takes a back seat to the romance, which is a major bummer, but I still think I'll enjoy it. All I really know about this novel is that it deals with alternate universes. That, and the cover is freaking gorgeous,

Once again, Pulse is a novel that's been sitting on my shelves just waiting to be picked up. I don't know much about it other than the fact that it deals with super human capabilities, so I already know its right up my ally. I haven't read a superhero book in a really long time, so fingers crossed that I'll like it!

Collide by Melissa West
Besides Illuminae, Collide is my most anticipated book of this month. Collide is the final book in the Taken trilogy by Melissa West and I'm so excited to see how it ends. The trilogy focuses on aliens, and I completely love it! I read Gravity, the first novel,
a really long time ago, but the second book, Hover, I read around a year ago. I forgot a lot, but I do own Hover, so I can always re-read part of it if I get too confused.

The Body Electric by Beth Revis
When I heard about the Body Electric, I seriously freaked out. At the time, I had just finished her Across the Universe trilogy, which I loved, and couldn't wait for me. Luckily, Beth was having a tour for the Body Electric and visited a book store relatively close to me! I got all this amazing merch for the novel and got it signed as well. After staring at the book and being really anxious it wouldn't live up to my expectations, I am excited to see how everything turns out.
What are some of your most anticipated reads on your to-read shelf? Have you read any of the six listed above?
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!