I don't have much to say about a City of Fallen Angels except that it did not disappoint me! City of Glass, the third book in the Mortal Instruments series, was marvelous and I had pretty high expectations for this one. While a lot of people see City of Fallen Angels as a sort of filler book in the series, I really liked where the book took us!
One of my favorite aspects of the book was that there was a heavier focus on Simon. The love triangle between Simon, Izzy, and Maia was really fun. Simon underwent a massive change in City of Glass, and the aftermath of that was one of my favorite plot points. I have never really liked Simon beforehand in this series because I saw him as this almost useless human against the fight that was madly in love with Clary. In City of Fallen Angels, Simon is given a lot more depth and he has become one of my favorite characters.
I loved that the relationships I was supporting in the previous novels were full blown canon. Hopefully we can see Clary and Jace more stable in their relationship now that they have figured out what was happening to Jace. Clary and Jace in general were such a great couple and I cannot wait to see their relationship blossom! Magnus and Alec were so cute. I loved the line where Magnus was telling Camille that Alec was his future. I hope that they have their happy ending at the end of the series.

Another cool thing about the book was the parallels between this and Clockwork Angel. Though I didn't love Clockwork Angel (see my review here), it was cool to see a character that was prevalent in that book still take a big part in City of Fallen Angels. I felt like Clockwork Angel made me understand the world better and I am glad I read it.
Out of all of these aspects, my favorite one was the plot in general. I loved the arising tensions between Clary and Jace. The last 100 or so pages were so good! The ending scene was break neck action and a lot was revealed. I can't wait to see how the fight continues in City of Lost Souls. Before that, I'll be reading Clockwork Prince, the second in the Infernal Devices, because I am reading all of Cassandra Clare's novels by publication date.
Though this seems like a gushing review, I didn't love this book. I liked mostly everything about it, but I only loved a couple of things. The plot was fun and kept my interest, but there was something missing that made me like it less than City of Glass. So far, City of Glass still remains my favorite with City of Fallen Angels second and City of Ashes a close third along with Clockwork Angel.
With that, I give this book
4 out of 5 Stars!

Have you guys read any of the Mortal Instruments or Infernal Devices? What have you thought about her novels?
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!