The prompt of this week is: December is a month of giving. Choose a book in which a character gives an amazing gift to a loved one! If you are interested in participating in this weekly meme, check out the goodreads group here! Catia from The Girl Who Read Too Much and Danielle from Danielle's Book Blog are the creators of this meme, so be sure to check these lovely ladies out on their blogs!
This week I decided to feature my current read, The City of Fallen Angels. Though I oviously have not read this whole entire book, a main character in the last book, City of Glass, gave a great gift to another main character in the series. The former gave the latter a gift that saved their life. In the City of Fallen Angels features the aftermath of such actions. Sorry this is SUPER vague, but I don't want to spoil anything for those who aren't as far along in the series as I am.
Original/English Edition

These three are all the English editions! Yes, there are definitely more that have the sticker that says "now made into a major motion picture" but here are the main three. The first one if the newly released paperback edition. These released earlier this year and unfortunately, City of Fallen Angels is my least favorite cover out of all of them. I don't know why I don't like this one as much as the others (which I really love!), but something is making it fall flat. Maybe it's because Isabelle's whip doesn't look as badass as I imagined?On the right is the most well known cover. At first, i din't really like these editions of the series, but they are really growing on me. Clary's eyes do freak me out, but I really like it overall. The last one is definitely not as well known but I really like it. I actually did not know these editions even existed until a month or two ago, but the simplicity of it draws me in. There are really cool details in the wings as well!
My favorite has to be the original one up above. Like I said before, I never really liked these versions of the cover, but this just draws me in! The color scheme is done really well and whenever I look at the book, I just want to pick it up and read it!
Least Favorite
Okay, there are several covers I didn't like, but these stood out in the worst way possible. I am not drawn to the book but have the feeling of wanting to distance myself instead. The edition of the left is the Italian cover while the one on the right is the other. The Italian cover makes zero sense to me. I'm assuming that is meant to be Isabelle, but it doesn't give off the fun and kick-ass vibe the series is! I have the same opinion for the one on the right. It looks so unprofessional and I just hate the obvious use of photoshop and the calligraphy makes the book seem amateur.
That is it for today guys! If you are participating in Book Traveling Thursdays, make sure to leave your link down below! I'd love to see them! :)
Have you read the Mortal Instruments yet? If so, what did you think of the City of Fallen Angels?
Thank you guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!
P.S. Sorry I've been absent for a couple days! The last week of winter break does not mean parties now that I am a junior and instead is synonymous with more tests in a week than I have classes.