
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2016

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be participating in the weekly meme Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the lovely ladies of The Broke and the Bookish. Be sure to check them out if you haven't already.

Top Ten Tuesday is a pretty easy meme to participate in. We are given a prompt that we answer with ten books that apply to us. This week's topic is our most anticipated releases for the first half of 2016. There are some amazing books coming out in the first half of the year, let alone 2016 as a whole! These are in order of release date!

Rescued by Pheobe Rose - January 15, 2016
This might come out of nowhere, but I wanted to add at least one new adult novel into this list! New adult is one of my favorite genres because I get sucked into the story line so quickly, and based on thy synopsis, I'm expecting the same. I first heard about this on my friend Poulami's blog  Daydreaming Books, and I trust her opinion! She really liked it, and hopefully I will to. Plus, it has cute cats! What more could a girl ask for? I'm personally a dog person, but still!

Stars Above by Marissa Meyer - February 2, 2016
While the Lunar Chronicles concluded with Winter, which I read in November, Stars Above is a compilation of short stories in the same universe. There are nine short stories and five of them have never been published. I love the world of the series and can't wait to dive back into it!

Starflight by Melissa Landers - February 2, 2016
If a book has to deal with space and star-crossed romances, count me in! Starflight has both of these things including an author that I trust. I've read two of Landers's other books and I know that I'll have so much fun reading this book! The synopsis sounds right up my alley and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Also, I'm going to be part of the book blitz for this novel! To learn more information (anyone can join!) or sign up, click here to her website post about it!

Firstlife by Gena Showalter - February 23, 2016
Gena Showalter is known for her adult romances, but writes young adult as well. She wrote The White Rabbit Chronicles, which is one of my favorite young adult paranormal series I have read so far. Firstlife has this great premise about how there are two afterlifes you can choose once you die. I read a sample of this and was drawn right into the story.

The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski - March 29, 2016
The Winner's Kiss is the highly anticipated concluding novel in the Winner's trilogy by Marie Rutkoski. Granted, I have not read the second book (It will be the next one I read after my current read!), but I'm still looking forward to this one. I'm sure that a lot of other bloggers will have this book on their list as well.

Surge by Melissa West - April 5, 2016
Surge is actually a full novel that takes place before the the already released Taking trilogy by West. I finished the trilogy this year and was so pleased with how it ended. When I heard that a prequel novel was going to happen, I was ecstatic! I've always wondered about how everything happened, and I'm so happy to know that I will!

Let the Wind Rise by Shannon Messenger - April 26, 2016
Let the Wind Rise is the concluding novel to the Sky Fall trilogy. I read and loved the first two books and though I am upset by the cover change (they still look good, so it's all right!), I am hoping that they story is marvelous and does not fall flat. I do feel like I need a little refresher before reading this last novel, but I am still excited to see how everything is wrapped up.

A Court of Mist and Fury - May 3rd, 2016
Back when I read A Court of Thorns and Roses, the first book in this trilogy, I absolutely adored it. Now that I have had time to think about it, I do see some issues I have with the book. Still, I'm excited to see how the story progresses! The ending was really amazing and I want to see how Feyre deals with what she did.

The Crown by Kiera Cass - May 3rd, 2016
After four novels, The Crown finally concludes the Selection series. While initially a trilogy, the fourth novel was released in 2015 and followed Maxon and the winner's daughter and her selection. Though I don't love this series by any means, the plots are always pure fun and I am thrilled to see who Eadlyn picks for marriage.

The Problem With Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout - May 17, 2016
Yet again another contemporary on the list! This edged it's way in after I read an excerpt of the book after reading Every Last Breath, the concluding novel to her Dark Elements Trilogy, via my digital library. From what I take on the excerpt and synopsis, the novel follows Mallory "Mouse" Dodge in her first year back in public high school in time for her senior year. Mouse doesn't talk often and is anxious about talking for some unknown reason, and her first day becomes even more interesting when she bumps into Rider, a boy from her past. Needless to say, I am itching to get my hands on this book!

Honorable Mentions

There are quite more than just ten books I am eagerly anticipating in the first half of 2016! Here are some quick honorable mentions that I still want to read that just didn't make the list.

Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard - February 11, 2016
A novel that features hopefully healthy friendships! Imagine that in young adult!

The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury - February 23, 2016
This is a retelling of Aladdin where the genie falls in love with Aladdin instead. Jessica Khoury has been on my radar for quite a while, so I have high hopes!

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows - June 7th, 2016
A book about Lady Jane Grey, who was historically beheaded? Count me in!

That is my Top Ten Tuesday for this week! What are some of your most anticipated releases of the first half of 2016, or 2016 in general?

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!


  1. I will read anything Meyers cares to write! Starflight and Firstlife sound like they have potential, too. Great picks!

    1. I'm on the same boat as you! And yeah, they don't seem to have as much hype as others (like A Court of Mist and Fury), but I'm so excited to read them! Hopefully 2016 will be as great of a reading year as this one! Thanks Lauren! :)

  2. Gena Showalter's book sounds AMAZING. I have the first book in her White Rabbit Chronicles so I think I really need to get to that this year!! Great list love!!

    1. Yes! :D Please read the rest of White Rabbit Chronicles! They only get better with each one! Not enough people have read the series. Thanks so much! :D

  3. Starflight looks interesting, and I keep thinking I want to read some Maas since all of her books seem to get rave reviews. And Let The Wind Rise looks interesting too.

    1. Thanks for visitng Greg! Maas gets so much hype and while I liked A Court of Thorns and Roses, I still haven't taken the plunge and read Throne of Glass. If you ever get to Let the Wind Rise and the predecessors of the series, let me know! I'd love to know what you think! :)

  4. Shannon Messenger looks like a great book~ I'm going to check out that series!

    1. Please do! if you like paranormal romance that that has a focus on politics (especially in the second book) I think you would like it!

  5. Firstlife sounds really interesting. I'm definitely going to check that one out.

    1. That's great! I haven't read a book with a synopsis similar to Firstlife, so I'm really excited!

  6. I'm down for anything Lunar Chronicles! Although I haven't actually read FAIREST or WINTER yet. I'm planning to get to them in January, so I'll be ready for STARS ABOVE when it comes out. Can't wait.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I'm sure if you loved Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress the same will happen for you for Fairest and Winter! I hope you enjoy them this Janurary!

      Happy New Year to you as well!

  7. Aw, thanks for the mention! I hope you enjoy Rescued as much as I did! :-D I'm sooo exited about ACOMAF because finally we'll have some more of Rhysand? Btw, are you team Tamlin or team Rhysand like me? :-) Also, I definitely want to read Starflight and the cover is soo beautiful! I already have the first two books of the Winner's trilogy but haven't got thr chance to read it yet, hopefully I'll get the 3rd book as soon as I finish the first two. Loved this post! :-)

    My recent post Best Reads of 2015!

    1. You're welcome Poulami! I felt it was needed because you were the one I heard it from! :) I hope so too! Fingers crossed I'll be able to get in in January or soon after. Okay, when I first read ACOTAR I liked Tam, but I keep warming up to Rhysand. Now, I like him more than Tam. He just seems much more complex than Tamlin. I haven't read the second in the series and I still put it on this list! XD Thanks so much Poulami! :)
