
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me Favorite Authors I Read For The First Time In 2015

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I am participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Today's topic is about new to me authors that I read this year for the first time that have become some of my favorite authors.

10.) Jodi Picoult
I read two books by Picoult this year: Between the Lines and Off the Page. These two are companion novels and I had an amazing time reading this duology. The two were written by Jodi Picoult and her daughter Samantha Van Leer. I don't know how much was Van Leer or Picoult, but the books have made me interested in more of their books.

9.) Carey Heywood
I discovered Carey Heywood while aimlessly strolling through the free ebook section on ibooks. I read a contemporary new adult trilogy by her named the Him & Her trilogy, and absolutely loved it! I thought about the books at random times and loved how the series concluded.

8.) Cynthia Hand
I picked up my first Cynthia Hand book in January, so she doesn't real feel new to me anymore! I marathoned her Unearthly trilogy and then bought The Last Time We Said Goodbye, which was her new release of this year. I really loved it and can't wait to finally get time to read her other books!

7.) Susan Ee
I only read one book by Susan Ee this year, but she deserves a spot on this list. Angelfall, the first in her Penryn & the End of Days trilogy, blew my mind. The sequel, World After, is on my TBR for next year!

6.) Wendy Higgins
Wendy Higgins was an author I didn't think I would like when I first read her books. I didn't really like Sweet Evil, the first in her series, but I kept on with it and really liked the three sequels. The writing itself really improved throughout the series as did the characters and plot.

5.) Yoko Kamio
I didn't quite realize how much Yoko Kamio mangas I had read this year until I looked at my 2015 reads shelf on goodreads! Lo and behold, I have read a total of 14 mangas. Eight of them are the complete series of Cat Street, which I read right after another earlier this year. Just two months ago, I read 6 of the 37 (holy crap!) volumes of Boys Over Flowers! She's obviously doing something right.

4.) O.E. Boroni
I read two books O.E. Boroni through one of my goodreads groups I am a member of and was pleasantly surprised at how much I was invested into the story. I did have problems with the first book, The Beginning of Never, but the second book, The Way to Never, was leagues better.

3.) Nicola Yoon
Nicola Yoon's debut novel, Everything, Everything, blew my mind! It was a great novel and exceeded the hype and expectations I had for the book.

2.)  Karina Halle
I was so surprised by how much I liked the two books I read by Karina Halle, The Pact and The Offer. They were great companion new adult novels and the more I think about it, the more I want to read the next book in the series! I had such a fun experience reading the two!

1.) Jennifer L. Armentrout
At first, I didn't think that Jennifer L. Armentrout would make this list because I thought I read Obsidian last year! In fact, I did not! This year, I read eight books by her! Five of them are from the Lux series. The other three were two of the Dark Elements (Technically, I'm reading one of them!) trilogy and Scorched.

That's a wrap on my Top Ten Tuesday post! If you participated, make sure to leave your links down below!

Did we have any authors in common?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!