
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Outside My Comfort Zone

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be participating in the weekly meme Top Ten Tuesday, which is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and Bookish. If you haven't checked them out yet, be sure to do so!

This week's prompt are ten books in the past year or so that were not my typical genre or were out of my comfort zone. I decided to showcase ten books that have been out of my comfort zone. I try to push my boundaries when I am reading, and down below are some that have. 
10.) The 100 by Kass Morgan 
The 100 was out of my comfort zone because I was already so familiar with the series through the CW television show with the same name. The TV show is one of my favorites, so I was extremely hesitant to pick this one up because I didn't want to be disappointed. However, the book and show are very different from each other, so I had such a better experience than I anticipated. 

9.) Defy Series by Sara B. Larson
The Defy series is another one that I as hesitant to read, but not for the same reason as The 100. I don't think of myself as a picky reader, but I do tend to stray away from books that don't have a high rating on goodreads. Though Defy was on my TBR, it was a bit outside of my comfort zone just because the average rating for the first book was 3.75 stars at the time. Luckily, I've had a lot of fun with this series and by the time you are reading this, I will be done with the series! 

8.) The Way to Never by O.E. Boroni
This sequel to The Beginning of Never pushed my boundaries a bit because I almost never pick up a sequel if I like its predecessor. However, I did read the rest of the Sweet series by Wendy Higgins (even though the first books frustrated me so much!) and liked the series. I decided to give The Way to Never a go and it was surprising in the best way. I can't wait to read the last book eventually.  

7.) Cat Street by Yoko Kamio
Cat Street is outside of my comfort zone because I haven't recently read any manga this past year or so. I have read a couple manga series, but Cat Street is one that I just picked up at a whim and did not hear about until I started reading the series.  

6.) The Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman
 I'll just put it out there: I don't really like reading historical fiction. I normally find it bland and uninteresting, but The Prisoner of Night and Fog was the opposite of that! It was one of my favorite books of 2014, but I still haven't picked up the second (and last!) book in the series yet. 

5.) The Future Collection by Beth Revis
Another thing that I don't like reading is gore. I am spectacularly bad at remaining calm whenever I read something remotely creepy. The Future Collection pushed my boundaries because it was exactly that. Even thinking about one of the short stories in this collection gives me a sense of uneasiness.  

4.) Maybe Not by Colleen Hoover
I normally never read novellas because they generally don't do anything for me. Yes, they are cute and fun, but do they add to the story? Maybe Not does, and is the best novella I have read yet. 

3.) Bon Bons to Yoga Pants by Katie Cross
Reading Bon Bons to Yoga Pants was a bit hard for me. I am never really comfortable with books that feature people that deal with fitness and weight just because it hits so close to home for me. As a teenager, I have a lot of insecurities and my physical appearance is the source of most of them. However, Bon Bons to Yoga Pants was really inspiring and I appreciated where the story went

2.) Together With You by Victoria Bylin
Together With You is the only adult book that I have read by choice in the past couple years. That alone has got to be a reason why this is in my second place on this list! Not only is Together With You and adult novel, but it also has a heavy focus on religion, especially Christianity. As a Christian that hasn't gone to church in a very, very long time, the whole plot just makes me a bit put off from the book. It's not that I don't like what they are saying, but there is a fine line between plot and preaching from my experiences.
1.) Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Last but not least is one of my favorite books I read in 2015. I read The Glass Castle for a class, and adored it. Not only is it nonfiction (since when have I read that?), but it is also a book for school that I actually enjoyed. That really hasn't happened since Pride and Prejudice.

That is my TTT of the week! What are some books that have been outside your comfort zone?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading and don't forget to link your TTT in the comments!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!