
Monday, March 28, 2016

Cover Talk: The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Guys. This cover is amazing!!

It is by far one of my favorite covers this year, and it doesn't hurt that I love the title of the novel as well. I love everything based in astronomy, so the title grabs my attention.  I absolutely adored Everything, Everything when I read it last year and I hope that this one does not disappoint. So far, the only synopsis the book has is this: "in which two teens cross paths on an eventful day in each of their lives." 

Besides that, there's no other news. It does say that it is being published this year, but not when. In my opinion, the most alluring thing about this book has to be the cover.  I love the threads and how the always intersect, much like the two teens will in this novel, I presume. 

The only thing that throws me off is the color scheme of this book. I'm thinking that this will be released later in the year just because there is no release date. As you can obviously see, the cover has a lot of warm and vibrant colors to it, which isn't necessarily common for a fall/winter release. I guess that will make the book stand out!

By far my favorite thing about the cover is the use of negative space in order to read the title. If you didn't know this, (I think I mentioned it in my last cover talk.) negative space is one of my favorite things to see on covers. It just makes the cover stand out so much and gives it a simple look to it. The threads give off this fun teenage vibe that Everything, Everything also had.

Nicola Yoon has a great design team. The cover of Everything, Everything is also magnificent and was my favorite cover of last year. I don't know which one I love more! 

What do you think of this cover? Which cover of Yoon's do you like more?

Thank you so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!