
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Currently Reading: Feuds, Rebel of the Sands (March 2016)

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I'm doing my monthly currently reading post! I was supposed to do this earlier this month, but I forgot... Everyone makes mistakes!

So right now I have just picked up Feuds by Avery Hastings. I mean that in the most literal sense; I'm only on page 15! Because of this, I don't really have any grasp or feeling about the book. It did get a bit info-dumpy, but the world is simple enough that I don't think I'd mind it. The novel is pretty small (261 pages), so I'm thinking I'll be done with this by the end of the week, or possibly sooner if I get really into it!

After that, I am going to be picking up Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton. I've been dying to pick this up and considering that my spring break starts on Friday, (YAY!) I know I'll be reading this one. In fact, I actually just met Alwyn this past Sunday, and it pushed me to read the book even more. I'll be making a post about that and putting it out there soon!

After those two, I don't really know what will happen. I'm looking for a light, easy read that would be perfect for spring break. Clockwork Prince definitely isn't that, but I did pick it up a couple days ago and haven't opened it since, so I might be revisiting that. There's also a good possibility of me reading the last book in The 100 trilogy, because I have that on my phone.

Besides that, I don't have much going on! I'm planning on doing a whole lot of reading, sleeping, and Netflix-ing this spring break. I haven't had a solid amount of relaxation for a while, so that's what I am really looking forward to.

What books are you currently reading?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!