
Monday, May 30, 2016

My (Tentative) Summer TBR!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be sharing with you the books I am planning on reading this summer! I finish school this next Monday and I cannot be happier. I'll finally have some time to read! So let's take a look at  10 books that  I am going to be reading this summer!

1.) Let the Wind Rise by Shannon Messenger
Let the Wind Rise is the final book in one of my favorite trilogies. I absolutely adored the first two books and I hope that I won't be let down by this conclusion. Vane and Audra, the two main characters, have an amazing romance.  
2.) The Crown by Kiera Cass
The Crown is the final book in Cass' Selection series, for real this time. It was already released and it has been hard to not see any spoilers. Thankfully, I've been successful not seeing any, and I am eagerly looking forward to seeing who Eadlyn ends up with!  
3.) A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
How can this not be on the list? I adored A Court of Thorns and Roses last summer! I had a few minor issues, but I haven't heard anything but glowing reviews from my friends. I can't wait to get my hands on it! 
4.) Flawed by Cecilia Ahren 
I have no idea why, but I really want to read Flawed. It has been so long since I have read a dystopian novel, and I'm excited to see what I think of them now that I am a more experienced reader. It has a pretty good rating on goodreads, so if all goes well, I'll like it! 

5.) Firstlife by Gena Showalter
I am currently reading Firstlife right now! I just randomly picked this up right before I went to bed, and it had me hooked immediately. I keep on wanting to read this, but I haven't enough time. I loved Showalter's White Rabbit Chronicles series, and I hope this one lives up to my expectations. 
6.) And I Darken by Kiersten White
This is another book that I am currently reading. I read this whenever I have free time in school, which isn't a lot. I'll have more time to read this after school ends! I'm roughly 50 pages in, so I don't have that good of a feel on what is happening, but I am darkly intrigued. 
7.) Feuds by Avery Hastings
I started reading Feuds about two months ago, and I'm only on page 48. I've only sat down with this book once and I put it down right as it was starting to pick up. Even though this book doesn't have the best reviews, I want to know what happens! 

8.) November 9 by Colleen Hoover
I got an e-copy of this through my blogger friend Poulami after winning her giveaway. I'm in some desperate need for some CoHo, and I can't wait any longer. She is one of my favorite authors and it has been too long since the last time I read one of her books. 
9.) Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
I am determined to read this book. I've had it since the day before its release date (I went to a signing) and it is about time that I picked this book up. Initially I didn't read the book because I wanted to wait for the hype to die down, but the second book is out now, and I need to jump on the bandwagon.  
10.) In the Hope of Memories by Olivia Rivers
I just got this via Netgalley and I'm excited to get into it after I finish my current read. The novel is about a girl Hope and how her four closest friends embark on a scavenger hunt made by her after her death. You can learn more about the book here on the goodreads page!

You might not know, but I also started a TBR Jar in the very beginning of the year. If you are wondering about how it is going, the answer is not well! :D My goal was to read one book from the jar every month, but I've only done that for one month. However, I am not planning on buying any books anytime soon, so I hope I can cut down the amount of un-read books in my room from fifty to around thirty.  

What books are you planning on reading this summer? Do we have any in common? 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Book Review Train! 1st Stop: The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

Welcome aboard the review train! I'm Genni, and welcome to my blog! Today I'll be participating in the 2016 Review Train, hosted by Brittany at Space Between the Spines. Every day there will be one stop from the train reviewing a summery read. If you want to know more about the train, check out this page here! Today I will be reviewing Morgan Matson's most recent release, The Unexpected Everything.

The Unexpected Everything was amazing. 

Morgan Matson's novel is full of life and I couldn't put it down.The one thing I was worried about was that the novel wouldn't live up to my expectations. I had high ones, given that Since You've Been Gone is one of my favorite contemporary novels. Let's just say that this book didn't just meet my expectations, but exceeded them. 

If you don't know, the Unexpected Everything is a YA contemporary about Andie, the daughter of a politician recently in scandal. Her summer plans fall through, and now she is faced with uncertainty, which certainly isn't Andie's normal pace. She likes things planned and routine, and her summer is the opposite of that. 

I loved Andie's character and her group of friends. They all had distinct personalities, and I really connected to them. Matson isn't afraid to give her characters flaws, and it makes them that much more real. Every single character is complex and none are used to just move the story along. If I looked at all the characters though, the two that spoke to me the most were Andie and her father, Alexander. The development of their relationship was one of my favorite aspects of the novel. They start off as ships passing in the night with the same familiarity that strangers have. I had so much fun seeing them rebuild the bridges they burned after the death of Andie's mother five years ago. 

The Unexpected Everything had the perfect balance between fun and heavy. There were times when I was laughing out loud, and there were times that I was crying. This book put me through an emotional ringer, and I wouldn't ask anything less of it. Andie's character development is one for the books. She's initially this controlled girl who never lets his guard down and seeing her open up was great to experience. It was for sure one of my favorite parts of the novel.

To be honest, I have no qualms about this book at all. I loved every aspect of it. All of the relationships (familial, romantic, and friend-wise) were all fleshed out. They were realistic and I felt as if I went to Stanwich right now, I would see Andie and the crew hanging out.

There is a lot more that I can talk about (the book within the book, that ending, the dogs, etc.), but then this review would go on forever. To put it in short, I adored everything about this book. This has been just the second book that I have loved this year and I loved every second of it. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good YA contemporary. This is a chunky book (519 pages!) but it is worth every page. The novel has great character development and relationships, and they have dogs to boot! This was the perfect book to kickstart my summer.

With that, I give this book 
5 out of 5 Stars!

Be sure to check out the other participants of the train! Here they are along with the schedule: 

May 30th - Genni at Ready, Set, Read is reviewing The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson


May 31st - Lauren at Always Me is reviewing Future Shock by Elizabeth Briggs


June 1st - Laura at Blue Eye Books is reviewing The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han


June 2nd - Sam at Tsundoku Books is reviewing Even if the Sky Falls by Mia Garcia


June 3rd - Czai at The Blacksheep Project is reviewing Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver


June 4th - Alicia at A Kernel of Nonsense is reviewing The Distance Between Us by Kasie West


June 5th - Ashley at [Insert Title Here] is reviewing Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton


June 6th - Sinead at Less Reality, More Books is reviewing The Square Root of Summer by Harriet Reuter Hapgood


June 7th - Ashley at What's She Reading? is reviewing Open Road Summer by Emery Lord


June 8th - Brittany at Space Between the Spines is reviewing Summer Days and Summer Nights by Stephanie Perkins et al + GIVEAWAY! =D
Once again, thanks for Brittany for letting me take part in this great experience. I'm looking forward to the other reviews!
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Book Review: The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle

*I recieved The Sound of Us via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own!*

The Sound of Us was such a blast. 

Julie Hammerle's debut novel exceeded my expectations. My recent reads have been disappointing me, and The Sound of Us was a breath of fresh air. Our protagonist, Kiki, is the most genuine main character I have read from in quite a while. I appreciated how she wasn't this perfect person, inside and out. Her summer journey was so much fun to read. 

The Sound of Us is about the quirky and hilarious main character Kiki and her summer experience at Kraus, a presitigous university. She is there for the summer, learning the in and outs of becoming an opera singer all the while fighting for one of the seven scholarships to attend the university free of charge. 

My favorite aspect of this whole entire book was Kiki. She was such a relatable and likable character. Hammerle perfectly captured the confidence issues of a teenage girl. Kiki started as a girl unsure of who she is and who she is meant to be. By the end of the novel, she is not only sure of herself, but of her future as well. It was great to see her transition into a more confident young adult. 

Another aspect I appreciated was the music. Music is a part of me, and I loved how it was so accurately depicted in the novel. I loved how Hammerle showed every side of music. Not only did she show that music can be fun, but she also showed how much pressure it can put on a person as well. 

However, I did have some minor complaints. One  thing that I didn't like that much from the book was how repetitive it became sometimes. After a while, Kiki's narrative didn't differ ever. Though I liked her as a character, Kiki's witty remarks seemed to be overdone. The romance wasn't the best either. Though I really loved Kiki and her love interest, it didn't leave me with a lasting impression. It was cute, but it wasn't awe-inspiring. The focus of the book was not on the romance though, so it did not affect my reading experience that much. Besides that, I don't have that many complaints. I actually loved the ending, even though it was vague. It gave promise to a happy future, but didn't set anything in stone. 

I would recommend this to anyone who wants a fun YA contemporary read! The Sound of Us is perfect for the summer and I am looking forward to its release. Also, can we talk about the cover? Because it is beautiful. It's one of my favorite covers of this year so far!

With that, I give this book 
4 out of 5 Stars!

What are some books that you've recently read that are perfect for the summer?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Monday, May 23, 2016

My Experience with Netgalley!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I thought I'd do a discussion post about my experience with Netgalley.

So I just started my Netgalley up again, and it is addicting! I've been experiencing the same thing I did when I found out about the book community. It's like I opened a new door and I'm a bit overwhelmed.

So far, my Netgalley experience has been going well, but I need to slow down. I've noticed that I've started requesting books that I wouldn't pick up at my local library. Instead of being selective about what I am requesting, I'm requesting anything that catches my eye, even if I have a feeling that I won't like the book as much. When I look back at my recent reads from netgalley, I haven't loved any of them. Is there a correlation? I think so.

Much like when I found out about the book community, I am finding out about a whole new part of the community, and I don't have any restraint. I am loving Netgalley right now. Even though my blog doesn't have a massive following, I am still receiving books. I am learning more about the publishing part of the business, and I'm being exposed to more authors and publishers every time I go onto the site!

The one problem I do have with Netgalley is that it is hard to get yourself in there. Many of the books featured are always big name publishers, which not every blogger or librarian, etc. can get. It takes some time to find books that I can actually get accepted for. But every goal is reached through working at it. My tip if you have a smaller blog like me is to look at the approval preferences of the publisher of the book you want before you request it. If you don't have their requirements, then odds are you won't be accepted. 

If you want any recommendations of what is on the site that you can request right now, I have two. One Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank and The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle. They are both contemporary and loads of fun!

So even though I am not the biggest blogger out there and the most articulate person, I am liking my experience. I've never consistently gotten ARCs before, but Netgalley is essentially a door leading to new opportunities for me. I am looking forward to what is next in store!

Do you like using Netgalley? What has your experience been like?

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Book Review: Hell Bent by Karen Crompton

Hell Bent didn't meet my expectations. 

Unfortunately, I didn't like Hell Bent as much as I wanted to. If I had to put my thoughts in simplest form, I would say that it was just okay. I didn't necessarily like it, but I didn't dislike it either. The characters and plot just didn't speak to me. 

The characters of Hell Bent besides Beau weren't as fleshed as I wanted them to be. There's a sizable cast of characters that are always present in the book, and I would've liked to have seen more of them. Rake really intrigued me and there was only one part of the book where I felt as if  he wasn't one dimensional. The non-complexity of the characters was my main problem. They didn't feel as if they were real people.

However, there were moments where I was really enjoying myself reading Hell Bent. The rising actions were really fun to read and I loved seeing Corrie and Beau's relationship develop. My favorite scene of the whole book is when the couple goes to an art class. It was light and funny. My issue with the plot is that there wasn't enough balance between light and dark. I understand that heavy topics are at play in the novel, but the book was consistently dark for a good 30 percent and it started to drag on. My least favorite part has to be right after the climax of the novel. Beau has some real problems, but his narration became repetitive to the point of annoying. 

Just because I had a lot of issues does not mean that this is a BAD book. Hell Bent just wasn't for me and I wish it was. Crompton has a lot of promise as an author. There were times where she handled plot points really well, like the grief and alcoholism. The characters were the real problem for me. I just couldn't like Beau, no matter how hard I tried.  I'll probably be reading more of her in the future, but it just won't be part of this series. 

Those are my thoughts on Hell Bent. Just because I didn't love the book doesn't mean that you won't! Crompton holds a lot of promise as an author and I'm looking forward to what is in store in the future. 

With that, I give this book 

2 out of 5 Stars!

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Top 5 Wednesday: Summer Reads

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I'll be taking part of the weekly meme Top 5 Wednesday. This is hosted by Sam from Thought on Tomes over on youtube. I know, two blog post in one day! Who would've ever thought that would be possible? :D

This week's topic is top 5 summer reads. Here are my picks for the week, in no particular order!

5.) One Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank
I just recently read this through Netgalley and this will be the perfect read for the upcoming summer season. Not only is the setting in summer (and Paris), but the novel is fun and quick paced, just like I'm sure we wish all of our summers to be. Though this isn't the perfect book, I had such a great time reading it. Read more of my thoughts in my book review here!

4.) Boys Over Flowers by Hana Yori Dango 
Okay, I've only read the first six novels in this manga series, but I am going to be reading more of it hopefully this summer. The plot of the series is so much fun and the unique cast makes it a perfect read for the summer. 

3.) Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill 
Meant to Be is a classic YA contemporary novel. I forgot if it's set in the summer (I read it Dec. 2014!), but even if it isn't the book is perfect for the summer. This is similar to One Paris Summer in that our main character travels internationally and falls in love with someone that gave off a bad first impression. I want to read more by Morrill because her books are like candy: short and sweet. 

2.) Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
New Adult screams summer to me. I was trying to put a new adult novel here that isn't by CoHo, but her books are perfect for summer and can't be compared. To be honest, I'd recommend any of her books that I've read by her for summer besides Ugly Love. Maybe Someday is Hoover's lightest book so far and for that reason, it's the best to read during the season. Check out my review here

1.) Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
Last but not least is a book that I'm sure will end up on so many lists this week. Since You've Been Gone is the epitome of a summer read. Not only is it set in the summer, but it has a fun unique plot. While it is long for a contemporary, it flew by so quickly. 

And that is my T5W for this week! What books come to mind when you think of summer?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Waiting on Wednesday #2

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I'll be participating in a weekly meme that I've been neglecting: Waiting on Wednesday. This meme is hosted by Breaking the Spine. Each Wednesday, the participants showcase an upcoming read that we are excited about. This week I chose...

United by Melissa Landers!

Here is the goodreads blurb: *WARNING FOR SOME MILD SPOILERS*
After thwarting a deadly coup and saving the alliance between their worlds, Cara and Aelyx have finally earned a break. Their tiny island colony is everything they dreamed it would be―days spent gathering shells on the beach and nights in each other’s arms.

But the vacation is short-lived.

The treaty between Earth and L’eihr has awakened an ancient force that threatens to destroy them all. The Aribol, mysterious guardians charged with maintaining interstellar peace, deem the alliance a threat to the galaxy. They order a separation of the races, decreeing humans and L’eihrs must return to their own planets within the month or face extinction. In fact, they already have agents in place on Earth, ready to begin.

With the clock ticking, Aelyx and Cara assemble a team of colonists and race back to Earth, where they unite with old friends to solve the mystery of who the Aribol are, what they want, and the real reason the alliance has provoked them. As tensions build to a full-scale war, Aelyx and Cara must fight harder than ever―not just for their future, but for the survival of both their worlds.
I'm so excited for this book for so many reasons! There was a time this series was just going to be two books, and I'm elated that there will be a third and final book. Everything wrapped up quite nicely in the previous novel, except for one plot line. 

Aelyx and Cara are such great characters and I cannot wait to explore their story again in this final novel. United releases on August 2, 2016!

What's your pick for the week?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I've Picked Up on a Whim

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I will be participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish. I haven't done this meme in a while, and I'm glad to be back at it!

This week's topic are books that we picked up on a whim. I interpreted this as books I had picked up that I did at a random time for no reason, or those that I started reading that I heard nothing about. I have read all the books down below. 

1.) The 100 by Kass Morgan
The reason the 100 is on this list is not because I never heard of the series (I'm a big fan of the tv adaption!), but because I had no plans to read this series. But when the BELLARKE ship looked like it was sinking, I randomly checked out the series on my overdrive account. Let's just say that I'm happy that Bellamy and Clarke are canon in the books!

2.) Defy by Sara B Larson
I was looking around the Overdrive app when I saw this fantasy that I heard nothing about. It's actually a pretty popular series and I'm surprised I didn't hear about this trilogy before I started the series. The synopsis and cover drew me in and I marathoned the whole trilogy! I also reviewed the whole trilogy as well here.

3.) V-Card by Alicia Michaels
Here's the thing: books on the wattpad app are addictive. I was looking for another read on the app, and decided to pick up the V-Card instead. I hadn't heard about or seen it beforehand, but immediately dove right in. V-Card is a lot more complex than the synopsis and title makes it out to be and I was pleasantly surprised with it.

4.) Together With You by Victoria Bylin
The whole reason I read this book was because I wanted to expand my reading horizons. I never read an adult romance before, but this one didn't impress me. The pacing was too slow for me and I didn't care for the two leads. However, it focused on a really important subject: fetal alcohol syndrome and disease, and it made the read worth it.

5.) Dawn of the Dreamer by H.J. Higgins
One of my goodreads groups had Dawn of the Dreamer available for read to review opportunity. I picked it up along with some other members and while I didn't love this book, it was an entertaining read. I had heard nothing about the book or author beforehand, but I'm glad I gave the book a shot! Here is my review for it.

6.) Breathe Into Me by Sara Fawkes
Breathe Into Me is a new adult read that I bought from BookOutlet on a whim. I heard nothing about it but was really wanting to read a new adult book. I'm so glad I decided to buy this book because I absolutely adored it. It was such a fun and fast paced read. You can learn more about my thoughts in my review here!

7.) The Beginning of Never by O.E. Boroni
I also read The Beginning of Never due to a read to review opportunity in one of my goodreads groups. Though I can't say that I necessarily liked this book, (it was entertaining though!) I'm still happy I read it. I read the second book after this and really liked it, and now I can't wait for the time that I read the third and final book in this contemporary trilogy.

8.) No Parking at the End Times by Bryan Bliss
I had never heard anything about this novel when I saw this at my local library. The cover drew me in, and I just decided to go for it. While it's not my favorite book and I did have some faults with the plot, I still appreciated it. The book did leave a lasting impression on me.

9.) Every Last Promise by Kristin Halbrook
Every Last Promise is a dark contemporary read that I picked up from my local library. I wanted to read a contemporary novel, and I just saw this one and decided to check it out. This was such an amazing book. I would recommend reading this but only if you are in the right mindset to read a book about abuse and rape.

10.) Cat Street by Yoko Kamio
Last but certainly not least is Cat Street by Yoko Kamio. I read all 8 volumes of this manga series in one weekend, and I really enjoyed it. The last two volumes were by far the strongest and I am so glad I read the series. Though it didn't speak to me as much as I wanted, but it was fun while it lasted.  

If you did a TTT, make sure to link it down below!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Currently Reading/TBR - And I Darken, The Unexpected Everything (May 2016)

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be showing you the books I am currently reading this month.

As of right now I'm not really into any books. Just a couple minutes ago I finished Storm by Brigid Kemmer. I liked it, but I didn't love it and couldn't connect to any of the characters. The book was a three star read for me. It fell right down the middle and didn't leave a lasting impression.

I am about a tenth of the way through Kiersten White's upcoming YA release And I Darken. I'm liking it so far, but I'm waiting for the story to pick up. Hopefully I will become more interested in the book as the story progresses. And I Darken is a historical fiction where Vladamir is actually a girl. Lada, the main character (aka Vladamir) is a really interesting character. I can't wait to see her become the Vladamir everyone fears!

By the end of the month, I want to be finished with And I Darken and two other novels. I just got The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson, and I am so excited! I've loved the two other books that I've read by Matson (Amy & Roger's Epic Detour, Since You've Been Gone), so I have high hopes for this one. I've read five pages or so, and I can't wait until I have more free time.

Last but not least, I want to read The Red Queen this month. I have had it on my shelf for a while, and it's about time that I picked it up. I'm excited to see what the hype is all about, and even though I might not love it, I'll be happy that I gave it a shot. The second book just came out, and I've been hearing better things about the second novel.

So that it was I am currently reading and my upcoming reads for May! What are you currently reading?

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Book Review: One Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank

*I recieved One Paris Summer via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All my opinions are my own and have not been altered.*

One Paris Summer was pure fun.

The novel centers around Sophie Brooks and her summer abroad when visiting her dad that left her and her brother the year before without warning. She's not that excited to go, as she hasn't spoken to her dad since she left and she doesn't get along that well with her brother. Sophie has to live with her brother, her dad, his new wife, and her daughter. The set up for this book was pretty simple. Sophie travels internationally and eventually falls in love with the city even when her step-sister Camille does everything she can to make Sophie miserable. 

There are two main reason why I liked this book: the music and the character development.

Music is portrayed so well throughout the novel. Sophie is a pianist, and even though she is on vacation, she still has to practice in order to maintain her skills. I loved how her passion didn't go on the back-burner just because she was meeting all these cute boys. Music is a part of her, and I really appreciated how much of an aspect it was in the book. I was able to connect with Sophie more because I am a musician myself (I play clarinet!)

The other reason this book was enjoyable was the character development. Not only does Sophie develop throughout the course of the novel, but so do the secondary characters and the relationships. However, Sophie's character development really stood out. In the first scene of the novel, she comes off as naive and somewhat weak. By the end of the story, she is sure in herself and what she wants. She grows into a character that I could not only relate to, but see myself being friends with. Her character development was paced so well and it wasn't just a big jump from her insecure self to her confident one. 

The only thing I didn't really like was the romance. I know, I know! Maybe I'm just picky, but I didn't like Matthieu that much. Sure, he was charismatic, but what sets him apart from the another standard love interest? Nothing, really. He has a bad ex, made a mistake in the past, jokes around, and has a great smile. Their relationship also progressed way too quickly for me. Sophie is just starting a relationship with him, and by the next month they love each other? It just wasn't believable to me. 

Besides that, I don't have any faults with the book. I liked the characters enough, but I didn't love them either. My favorite part was the growth of the cast of characters in the novel and the musical aspect. The familial tensions were also very well done. 

I would recommend this to anyone who wants an easy and fun contemporary novel. One Paris Summer isn't perfect, but it sure is fun. To put it simply, it's perfect for the summer. :D

With that, I give this book
3.5 out of 5 Stars!


What are some fun YA contemporaries that you have read recently?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!