
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I've Picked Up on a Whim

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I will be participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish. I haven't done this meme in a while, and I'm glad to be back at it!

This week's topic are books that we picked up on a whim. I interpreted this as books I had picked up that I did at a random time for no reason, or those that I started reading that I heard nothing about. I have read all the books down below. 

1.) The 100 by Kass Morgan
The reason the 100 is on this list is not because I never heard of the series (I'm a big fan of the tv adaption!), but because I had no plans to read this series. But when the BELLARKE ship looked like it was sinking, I randomly checked out the series on my overdrive account. Let's just say that I'm happy that Bellamy and Clarke are canon in the books!

2.) Defy by Sara B Larson
I was looking around the Overdrive app when I saw this fantasy that I heard nothing about. It's actually a pretty popular series and I'm surprised I didn't hear about this trilogy before I started the series. The synopsis and cover drew me in and I marathoned the whole trilogy! I also reviewed the whole trilogy as well here.

3.) V-Card by Alicia Michaels
Here's the thing: books on the wattpad app are addictive. I was looking for another read on the app, and decided to pick up the V-Card instead. I hadn't heard about or seen it beforehand, but immediately dove right in. V-Card is a lot more complex than the synopsis and title makes it out to be and I was pleasantly surprised with it.

4.) Together With You by Victoria Bylin
The whole reason I read this book was because I wanted to expand my reading horizons. I never read an adult romance before, but this one didn't impress me. The pacing was too slow for me and I didn't care for the two leads. However, it focused on a really important subject: fetal alcohol syndrome and disease, and it made the read worth it.

5.) Dawn of the Dreamer by H.J. Higgins
One of my goodreads groups had Dawn of the Dreamer available for read to review opportunity. I picked it up along with some other members and while I didn't love this book, it was an entertaining read. I had heard nothing about the book or author beforehand, but I'm glad I gave the book a shot! Here is my review for it.

6.) Breathe Into Me by Sara Fawkes
Breathe Into Me is a new adult read that I bought from BookOutlet on a whim. I heard nothing about it but was really wanting to read a new adult book. I'm so glad I decided to buy this book because I absolutely adored it. It was such a fun and fast paced read. You can learn more about my thoughts in my review here!

7.) The Beginning of Never by O.E. Boroni
I also read The Beginning of Never due to a read to review opportunity in one of my goodreads groups. Though I can't say that I necessarily liked this book, (it was entertaining though!) I'm still happy I read it. I read the second book after this and really liked it, and now I can't wait for the time that I read the third and final book in this contemporary trilogy.

8.) No Parking at the End Times by Bryan Bliss
I had never heard anything about this novel when I saw this at my local library. The cover drew me in, and I just decided to go for it. While it's not my favorite book and I did have some faults with the plot, I still appreciated it. The book did leave a lasting impression on me.

9.) Every Last Promise by Kristin Halbrook
Every Last Promise is a dark contemporary read that I picked up from my local library. I wanted to read a contemporary novel, and I just saw this one and decided to check it out. This was such an amazing book. I would recommend reading this but only if you are in the right mindset to read a book about abuse and rape.

10.) Cat Street by Yoko Kamio
Last but certainly not least is Cat Street by Yoko Kamio. I read all 8 volumes of this manga series in one weekend, and I really enjoyed it. The last two volumes were by far the strongest and I am so glad I read the series. Though it didn't speak to me as much as I wanted, but it was fun while it lasted.  

If you did a TTT, make sure to link it down below!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!