
Monday, May 2, 2016

Triannual Rewind: Most Disappointing Books

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I am doing another post that is part of my Triannual Rewind! The following are the books that have disappointed me the most in the first four months of the year.

Once again, I just want to remind everyone that all these opinions are my own and I'm not trying to offend anyone! If you liked a book that I absolutely hated, then more power to you! These will be listed from worst to best. 

Also, I won't be mentioning Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater except for right now. I would pick it on the list, but to be quite frank, I don't want to talk about the book anymore. :D

1.) Together With You by Victoria Bylin
I wanted to branch out this year from my usual genres, but I was so disappointed with this adult romance. I had no idea that this was a Christian romance, and it threw me off. The characters fell flat for me and I just didn't care for their story at all. However, it did shine light on a problem that I was ignorant to, which did make it (almost) worth the read. 

2.) Be With Me by Jennifer L. Armentrout
This is the first book by Armentrout that I didn't like that much. I couldn't connect with the characters that much and I found the plot twists and points cliche and overused. To be honest, I would have rather not read this at all. I just want to read an Armentrout book that actually grabs me and doesn't let me go. 

3.) First by M.A. Grant
First never captured my attention. It was actually two stories in one, and both of them didn't have real substance. This is the first NA book that I didn't like. It is one of my least favorite books of the year, but it's not because its a horrible story. I'm just indifferent towards the whole thing.   

4.) Switched by Amanda Hocking 
Switched is the first book in Hocking's Trylle trilogy. This series is so popular, but I was so let down. I've had my eye on this for years and I was just disappointed. I would have loved this if I read it two years ago, but as I've grown so have my reading tastes. Nothing really happened throughout the book and though I will be continuing on with the story, I'm not expecting as much anymore. 

So those are my most disappointing books that I read in the first third of the year. Even though I was let down by these, it doesn't mean that you will be!

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!