Hey guys!! So this is kind of an impromptu post, but I just realized I have 101 followers!! I normally don't check the number of followers I have because I would then compare myself to other bloggers and get blog envy. This must have just happened, and I'm soo happy!! When I realized that I had over 100, I just sat back and looked at my calculator thinking, "This can't be right." There is still so much I want to do with this blog and I can't believe there are 101 people watching me as I learn. So anyways, I just want to say a huge thank you to all of my followers, whether you were my first or the 101st. This community has also been so accepting and I love having a huge group of people where I can just talk about books!! You guys understand me. *virtual hugs to everyone*
I really, really want to do a giveaway, but I just don't have the money for it right now. However, I am hoping that I'll be able to do one once I get to 200! Who knows how long that will take, but that is my promise to all of you. There will be a giveaway in due time! :D So that's all I needed to say. I never thought when I started blogging that people would be interested with what I was saying. I was perfectly fine just sending my thoughts into the void of internet, and all of you came along. This is the perfect early birthday present I could have asked for! THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!!!!