
Friday, August 12, 2016

Netflix and Books Tag!

Hey everyone! So I've been in a pretty bad book slump, and the reason for that is Netflix. It's amazing, but it is a huge problem! I mean, I have watched about four seasons of Grey's Anatomy since June. If any of you are interested, I'm in the middle of season 12 right now. The Netflix and Books Tag was created by Erica from Novel Ink and Lauren from Bookmark Lit! I actually saw this originally at Kay's blog, It's A Book Life, so make sure to check out hers as well!

Here are the rules:
  • Choose a book or book series that best matches the prompt provided
  • Feel free to change the TV show if you’d like it to reflect YOUR preferences!
  • A blank set of the prompts is located at the very bottom in the scroll box
  • Feel free to use our header graphic with the usual credits
  • Link back to us and tag some friends to join in

Vampire Diaries - Your Ship Sank or Didn't Happen
*Spoiler alert for P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han* Trust me, I love Peter Kavinsky just as much as any other. But John Ambrose McClaren is the absolute best, and if it were me, I would have picked differently than Lara. However, I think Lara made the right choice for her. 
Gossip Girl - Hate That You Love or Guilty Pleasure
I don't necessarily have "guilty pleasures" but The White Rabbit Chronicles becomes pretty close! The books are just pure fun, and don't require much thinking!
Grey's Anatomy - All The Feels
I had to go with Fruits Basket for this matchup! Grey's Anatomy makes me cry, smile, laugh, and makes me feel anxious all at the same time, and Fruits Basket did the same back when I was reading it. If you want to know, Lexie and Mark are my favorite couple so far!

The OC - Series That Should Have Ended Earlier
The Selection series should have just ended with the initial three books. While I enjoyed The Heir and The Crown, they didn't add anything to the series for me. To be honest, I found the last two books to be predictable and low-energy.
Favorite Book Boyfriend
Percy Jackson is the ultimate book boyfriend Not only was he my first book boyfriend, but he remains my favorite to this day. Percy hilarious and courageous, he's also humble as well, which is hard to imagine after he's saved the world a couple times here and there.
The Flash - Couldn't Stop Reading
I could not have put down Illuminae even if I wanted to! Illuminae gripped me from the very first page, and I had to read the rest right away. The pages flew by so quickly, and the mixed media was a big factor of my great reading experience!
Breaking Bad - Favorite Villain
How could I not choose Queen Levana for this? She's not pure evil, and that is my favorite character trait of a villain. Villain's need depth, and Queen Levana definitely has! Reading Fairest actually made me understand and sympathize with her, as crazy as that sounds! 

Modern Family - Best Family or Parents
I was initially going to pick Lara Jean and her family for this answer, but because I already featured the series above, I decided to go with my runner-up, The Unexpected Everything! Family is a huge part of The Unexpected Everything, and it was done marvelously. The relationship between Andy and her dad had such great growth and progressed very naturally throughout the book, which I really appreciated! 

And of course anyone else who wants to do this tag!!

The Prompts

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: unlikeable character(s)
Vampire Diaries: your ship sank or didn’t happen
Friends: best cast of characters/friendships
Gossip Girl: hate that you love or guilty pleasure
Doctor Who: long series you loved
Grey’s Anatomy: all the feels
How I Met Your Mother: bad ending
Supernatural: favorite paranormal/fantasy
Freaks & Geeks: left you wanting more
The OC: series that should have ended earlier
Girl Meets World: should have a spin-off
That 70’s Show: set in a different time period
Orange is the New Black: couldn’t stop reading
Parks and Recreation: made you laugh out loud
One Tree Hill: favorite book boyfriend
Breaking Bad: favorite villain
Modern Family: best family or parents 

Thank you so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!