Here are my five picks, in no particular order!
5.) Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

Isla is the last book in Perkin's contemporary trilogy. I liked Anna and Lola's stories, but I had a lack of interest in reading the final book. Unfortunately, Isla seems like a run of the mill YA romance, and I don't see myself ever reading it.
4.) Passion by Lauren Kate

I "remember" reading Elixir, the first book in Duff's series, but I don't actually remember anything. The book didn't have any originality and lacked execution. Hilary Duff is also a queen in my book, and I'll just erase Elixir and it's sequels from my memory.

This book is a joke. It's blatantly ghost written, and just has Kendall and Kylie's name slapped on it to generate sales. I've heard really bad things about it, making it the proverbial nail in the coffin. Even the synopsis can't hold my attention, so I know this book isn't right for me.

1.) Allegiant by Veronica Roth
There is no way that I will be reading Allegiant. I've been spoiled for the major twist, and for some other things as well. My interest in the series have severely died down, and I don't see myself ever reading Allegiant.
What are books that you are planning on never reading? If you participated in T5W, link it down below! I'd love to check out your posts. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!