Here are the rules:
1. List 5 things that make you happy.
2. List 5 songs that make you happy.
3. List 5 bloggers that make you happy and let them know that they have been nominated.
5 Things That Make Me Happy
1.) When a type of entertainment (books, TV, movies) makes me cry or changes my views on something.
2.) Dancing with my dog, Gabby!
3.) LAUGHING (who doesn't like that?)
4.) Singing in the shower
5.) Accomplishing something that I have put hard work into!
5 Songs That Make Me Happy
5.) Can't Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake
I'm stealing a page from Lauren's book on this! The song is one of my favorites of the summer and I can't help but dance along when I hear it!
4.) You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift
I was obsessed with Taylor back in my preteen days and this TSwift classic just takes me back. It's such a fun tune and the music video is pretty epic.
3.) Wait a Minute! by Willow Smith
I cannot stop my obsession with this song. Some might not like it, but it's unique sound makes me really want to listen to the rest of her album!
2.) Hot Knife by Fiona Apple
I was thinking of putting Criminal on here, but that doesn't necessarily make my happy. This doesn't either, but it does make me groove, which then makes me happy. The music video and song gets so intense and I love every second of it!
1.) Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae
I started listening to Rae's debut album again a couple weeks back and can't stop listening! Put Your Records On is such a great feel-good summer song!
5 Bloggers That Make Me Happy!
1.) Laura @ Blue Eye Books
2.) Jennifer @ Beautiful Spines
3.) Emily @ Paperback Princess
4.) Temecka @ Library of Tomes
5.) Deborah @ Hills of Books
Thank you so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!