Here they are, in no particular order:
9.) Cress/Winter/Fairest by Marissa Meyer

8.) The Taking Trilogy by Melissa West

Now this by far the creepiest work on this list, but one of the most intriguing as well. The Future Collection is a short story collection written by YA sci fi author Beth Revis. There were a couple stories that went too far for me, but most really drew me in. Every short story is very different from the other, but all are science fiction.
6.) The 100 by Kass Morgan

5.) Starbound Trilogy by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

The Alientated series just recently concluded earlier this month with United, the final book. The series doesn't necessarily take place in space, but the characters do move in between planets. The two main characters have amazing chemistry together, and watching their relationship expand as they learn more about each others species is a blast.

3.) Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
When I read Ender's Game three years ago, I was obsessed. While I now look back and see some flaws with the book, I still wholeheartedly recommend it! Ender's Game has to be one of the most famous science fiction books out there, and I'm glad I read it!

Across the Universe and the trilogy as a whole will have a special place in my sci-fi loving heart. I read it around the same time I read These Broken Stars, and I had such a great reading experience. Beth Revis brilliantly wrote the series, and has cemented herself as one of my favorite young adult science fiction authors out there with this trilogy.

Illuminae is probably my favorite young adult science fiction book on this list, tied of course with The Lunar Chronicles. What puts this book on another level was how Illuminae is both a science fiction and thriller. I loved the combination, and it was pulled off effortlessly by Kaufman and Kristoff.
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Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!