Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I am participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by Broke and Bookish. This week's topic is honoring fall TV, but we were able to put our own twist on it. In order to stay book-related, I'm showcasing my favorite book to TV adaptions! Also, I realize it's a Thursday. Let's ignore how late I am, shall we?
This list is from my least favorite to my most favorite!
7.) Shadowhunters
This series, which is based off of The Mortal Instruments, needs a lot of fine tuning. The narrative of the first season was shaky, and it went places that didn't make sense. However, there were a couple episodes that did stand out. I'm looking forward to seeing how the second season will improve.
6.) Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl is a guilty pleasure. I think of it
like candy: it leaves you satisfied for a little bit, but it has no
substance. The characters is what saves the series, not the plots. However, I can't say whether or not it is a good adaption, since I haven't read the source material. If you have, let me know!
5.) Pretty Little Liars
While I've never read the books that this
show is based off of, I can say one thing: the television show is
entertaining. I don't think the past two seasons have been good by any
means, but they've kept my attention. I'm excited to see how the series
will end this fall!
4.) Shannara Chronicles
The Shannara Chronicles debuted last year on MTV. While I didn't love the show by any means, it was entertaining and I think this upcoming season will exceed the first. The series has a great balance between romance and adventure, and I'm liking it a lot more than I am Shadowhunters right now.
3.) Roswell
To be honest, I forgot that Roswell is a book adaption! The television series has such a strong sense of self that it is hard to remember that is started out as a book series. If you haven't watched Roswell, I strongly encourage you to! The alien teen drama isn't as cheesy as you might think it is.
2.) Vampire Diaries
A couple years ago, Vampire Diaries would have no doubt made the top of my list. Unfortunately, the last couple of seasons have just fallen short of the magic that was in the third and fourth seasons. The eighth season is its last, and I'm not ready yet to say goodbye.
1.) The 100
The 100 blew my mind away! I wasn't necessarily interested in the series at first, but I was convinced to watch it and my expectations were met and surpassed. Out of the three seasons that have been released, the second is my favorite. I love the television show so much that I actually read the source material! The show and the book series are so different, so I can't easily compare the two.
Anticipated Book to TV Adaptions
1.) A Darker Shade of Magic
If you didn't know, I read A Darker Shade of Magic over the summer. I didn't love it, but I did find it entertaining! I think the book would be excellent as a television series, and possibly answer the questions I have. Of course, the sequels can do that as well!
2.) Shatter Me
This better come out in the next two years! It's been over a year since I've finished the Shatter Me trilogy, and I'd love to revisit the world! I think the television show would be great, and I think all the characters would translate well to screen, especially Kenji!
3.) A Series of Unfortunate Events
Last but certainly not least, A Series of Unfortunate Events! I actually have only read the first two books of the series, but I plan of fixing that problem. A Series of Unfortunate Events was adapted into a movie, but I think it would be better as a television series. Plus, Netflix is doing it, and they always produce excellent tv.
What are some of your favorite book to TV adaptions? If you participated in TTT, feel free to link it down below! I'd love to check out your posts.
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ ready, Set, Read!