Name a book that scared you!
I don't read scary books or thrillers that often. But if I had to choose, I'd go with Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman! Illuminae is not really a thriller, but it does get really intense after a while. There is this great scene where Cady is going through an abandoned ship that is littered with zombies. I was pretty scared for Cady the whole time I was reading that scene!
What is the funniest prank you've pulled?
I actually haven't pulled a prank! I'm a goody-two shoes! Haha.
Share a spooky/ghost story
I don't know if this is spooky, but it did frighten me! Over the summer, I finished up watching Hannibal, a NBC show focused on Hannibal Lector. The finale was disturbing, to say the least. That night, I had a nightmare of cannibals eating me alive; I could feel them! I woke up to my own screams. Needless to say, it was a rough night of sleep!
What's the scariest movie you've watched?

What is your dream costume?
I have another bad answer for this! There is not really an iconic character that I have always dreamed about dressing up as. Maybe I'll figure it out by Halloween, but it doesn't seem like it!
Weirdest thing you've eaten?
I'm normally am up for anything, but I can't say I've eaten anything weird per say. I've eaten just about anything you can find in a small town. I have had a ghost pepper though, and that's one of the hottest peppers around.

If you were a fictional villain, who would you be and why?
I always like villains that have some background and morals. When a villain is just pure evil, I feel like they have no depth. The villain I choose for this question had the right intention (in a way) but made all the wrong decisions. He does have a shot of redemption though! I chose AIDAN from Illuminae!
So that was the Chicken Challenge Tag! Once again, check out Lys' blog for all Chicken Challenge details.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!