
Friday, October 7, 2016


Hello and welcome back to my blog! My September was a bit hectic. School and marching band are in full swing, and all my free time is devoted to those two. Because of that, I didn't read as many books as I wanted.

Here are the 7 books I read, from worst to best!

7.) The 48 Hour Hookup by Sarah Ballance
I so desperately wanted to like this one, but the characters and the humor fell flat for me. I couldn't connect to the characters, but it just didn't click. Because if this, the book just didn't meet my expectations. I gave this 2 stars.

6.) Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I had the same experience with Pure as I did with the 48 Hour Hookup. However, I did like this more than the first. Once again, I just couldn't connect to the story. I like the characters, but they annoyed me more than I expected. I found the book a bit too predictable for me to fully enjoy it. I gave Pure 3 stars.

5.) Losing It by Cora Carmack
Losing It has a classic new adult plot. A girl meets a guy, but of course their romance is forbidden on some sort of level. Even though the plot isn't original, it was a fun read. The characters weren't as dynamic as I wanted though. I considered Losing It a sort of palette cleanser of the month.

4-2.) Crash Trilogy by Nicole Williams
The Crash trilogy has the most confusing names EVER. Crash is the first book, Clash the second, and Crush the third. The second novel was my favorite (3.75 stars) with Crash coming in second (3.5 stars) and the finale coming in third (3 stars). Unfortunately, I did not like the finale. Everything was going as I expected, and then there was this "solution" that was conventional and unnecessary. My least favorite thing about the series is that it is redundant. Every book follows the same exact plot. I wished that Williams would have changed it up a bit; I was able to predict everything right before it happened. 

1.) 1984 by George Orwell
1984 takes the cake for September. In my goodreads review, I mentioned that I gave 1984 four stars because I don't know what to think of it. The book did take a while to get into, but the second half was interesting. I do not regret reading this book in the least, and I think it is one of the more important classics to read. 

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That is my September Wrap Up! What did you read this September?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!