
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday! #5

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in weekly meme Waiting on Wednesday. Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we highlight upcoming releases we are excited about!

This month I am participating in SciFi month, which is hosted by Rinn @ Rinn Reads and Lisa @ Over the Effing Rainbow! In order to tie that in, I am going to be showing everyone an upcoming science fiction read I'm looking forward to. 

This week, I chose Cold Summer by Gwen Cole!

Here are Cold Summer's stats:
Pages: 256
Publsiher: Sky Pony Press
Expected Publication Date: May 2, 2017
Today, he’s a high school dropout with no future.
Tomorrow, he’s a soldier in World War II.

Kale Jackson has spent years trying to control his time-traveling ability but hasn’t had much luck. One day he lives in 1945, fighting in the war as a sharpshooter and helplessly watching soldiers—friends—die. Then the next day, he’s back in the present, where WWII has bled into his modern life in the form of PTSD, straining his relationship with his father and the few friends he has left. Every day it becomes harder to hide his battle wounds, both physical and mental, from the past.

When the ex-girl-next-door, Harper, moves back to town, thoughts of what could be if only he had a normal life begin to haunt him. Harper reminds him of the person he was before the PTSD, which helps anchor him to the present. With practice, maybe Kale could remain in the present permanently and never step foot on a battlefield again. Maybe he can have the normal life he craves.

But then Harper finds Kale’s name in a historical article—and he’s listed as a casualty of the war. Kale knows now that he must learn to control his time-traveling ability to save himself and his chance at a life with Harper. Otherwise, he’ll be killed in a time where he doesn’t belong by a bullet that was never meant for him.
Why I'm Waiting

A boy with a time traveling issue? HECK YES. If that doesn't draw you in, I don't know what does. I love the idea that Kale doesn't know or why this is happening. I've also never read from the POV of a person who has PTSD. I'm looking forward to seeing how Cole will tackle it. Hopefully with grace! This seems like a great coming of age story with an awesome science fiction twist on it!

What did you pick this week? Are you looking forward to Cold Summer?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!