
Sunday, December 18, 2016

BOOK REVIEW | Bride of Alvar by Silver Reins

Title: Bride of Alvar
Author: Silver Reins
Series: Redemption Book #1
Source: I read the ebook of this via Wattpad!
All her life Lucy's mother has insisted Lucy is promised in marriage to a king from another world. Determined to take control of her life, Lucy gets engaged to her very normal boyfriend. However, before she can make it down the aisle, a darkly handsome and mysterious King Alvar appears and tells her the time has come for her to marry him and become his queen. Now Lucy's idea of reality is thrown upside down as she becomes entwined in determining the fate of both her world and Alvar's.

Earlier this month, I was about to delete Wattpad from my phone. Unfortunately, the past couple of books I've read via wattpad have been disappointing. While I understand that the majority of the stories have not undergone any editing, I still do expect a clear and concise story. That hasn't been the case for most of the books I read through wattpad, but The Bride of Alvar broke the streak!

The Bride of Alvar is the first fantasy novel I have read through wattpad. As a reader who has just been really getting into fantasy this year, I am not too critical. The story was fast paced the whole way through, and I never got confused, which is really saying something! I tend to always mix up or forget characters if they are not fully fleshed out, and I was happy to see that it didn't happen while reading this. What I liked most about The Bride of Alvar is that it was so fast paced. Though the story does have its flaws, the quick pace convinced me to keep going. 

The biggest flaw I had with the book was that the romance. I didn't get the feeling that Lucy and Alvar interacted enough by the time that they had fallen in love with each other. I felt as if the author tried to do a slow burning romance but then got impatient and decided they were in love instead. Though their relationship was compelling near the end, I just couldn't get on board the Lucy/Alvar train for quite a while.

Besides that, I don't really have any criticisms. Bride of Alvar was fun to read, but I don't think it is anything special. When I look at all the fantasy books I have read, it just doesn't stand out. However, it was fun to read and I will be reading the sequel, which is already finished on wattpad. There is nothing pushing me to read it, but there is also nothing holding me back. I have a feeling that I will like the sequel more anyways because I am accustomed to the world. 

With that, I give this book 
3 out of 5 Stars!

Have you read anything from wattpad? What's one of your favorites?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!