Without further ado, here are the five authors I picked this week (in no particular order)
1) Jenn Bennett

2) Cassandra Clare
So this might be a bit of a cop out, because I have read the majority of Clare's books. I just have to read the last of TMI and TID, Lady Midnight, and all the other things like The Bane Chronicles. However, I still want to read more of her because I want to be caught all up! I am so close and yet so far away, but I'm really looking forward to catching up by the end of this year.
3) Kasie West
So, if you didn't know, I put up a pretty harsh review of The Fill in Boyfriend in October 2015. This month though, I finally decided to give Kasie West a second chance with By Your Side, which I'll be reviewing soon! I liked the book so much more than The Fill in Boyfriend. By no means was it perfect, but I had a fun time with it. I want to read more of Kasie soon so that I can actually form an opinion of her!

Livingston got a lot of attention this year for The Valiant, which was a great read. I actually reviewed the book here. The Valiant had great feminist themes and I loved everything it stood for. I had the pleasure of meeting Livingston and telling that to her, and she was such a joy to be around and she was so down to earth and hilarious. Livingston has actually published a lot of other books, so I'm interested to see what I think of them!
5) Jay Kristoff
Last but not least if Jay Asher! The only books I have read by him are Illuminae and Gemina, which are co-authored with Amie Kaufman. I want to see what his books are like just written by him, and I definitely think I'll start with Nevernight. I have a good feeling about this one, and I seriously hope that I love the book and Kristoff!
So, those are the five authors I want to read more from. Have you read any books by the authors I mentioned? What are some authors you want to read more from?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!