Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be talking about some of the series I will not be finishing. Of course, if some of the series I am mentioning are your favorites, I don't mean any offense! If you loved it, great! It's just not for me. Now be prepared for some good old roasts...
First (and probably worst) is the Fallen series by Lauren Kate! Fallen was one of the first YA books that I have hated, and for some unknown reason I decided to read not only Fallen, but the sequel, Torment. Well let me just say it here: this series is a torment to read. All the characters are so bland and blend together except for Luce. Dear god, Luce is a dreadful main character. She's whiny, her thought process makes no sense, and she's this damsel in distress that can't help herself. Instead, she lets everyone else save her. A lot of people love this series, and a lot of people hate it. I appreciate this series for what its worth: a simple fantasy series that introduced a lot of readers to young adult. But at the end of the day, this series is lackluster and irritating.
Secondly is the Need series by Carrie Jones. I started this series a really long time ago, before I even had goodreads. Though I remember really liking the first two books, the third was such a disappointment. This series is forgettable. I know there are pixies, but that's about it. I forgot all about the Norse mythology aspect until I looked the series up. What I do remember is this: the romance was cute in the first book, and got grating by the third. Nick, one of the main love interests (yes, there is a love triangle is this series) is just an asshole, and none of the plot actually made sense. This series is something to read before you become a critical reader. By the third book, the plot was convoluted and none of the characters stuck with me.

The third and final series I'll be talking about this post is the Thunder Road series by Katie McGarry. McGarry is a pretty popular YA contemporary author. I've enjoyed some of her other books, but the most recent ones I've read by her have been lackluster. Nowhere But Here tried to be original, but all of it fell flat. I couldn't empathize with any of the characters, and I have no interest at all with continuing the series. I'd rather despise a series, like I did Fallen, instead of just feel indifferent. Unfortunately, that's what happened for the Thunder Road series.
Have you read any of these series? What did you think? What are some series that you won't be finishing?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!