
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 2017 TBR!

Hey everyone welcome back (or to!) my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be doing something just a tad different. If you're new here, you might not be aware that I barely do TBRs. This is mainly because I'm horrible at keeping to them. However, there are a couple of books that I will for sure be reading this August! Here's a look!

First, I'm giving you a friendly reminder to vote for what I read! I'm participating in the Make Me Read It Readathon, and I would love if you voted! It's best to get as much votes as possible. Here is the link to my poll and more info about the readathon!

Based on the poll (so far, that is) here are the books I'll be reading. I gave 8 options and hope to read three. 

1) The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
This was the book with the most votes, but not by far! Wrath and the Dawn got 6 votes, and I'm glad that it is the top choice! I've been reading to read the book basically since it was released, and now the series is over! But it's never too late, and I hope I love it!

2) P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
Now this is the book I am arguably most excited for! I am in a really big contemporary mood right now, and when I got this from the library today it took a lot of willpower to not crack it open right away. I have read two books by West, and I liked one and hated the other. I have a good feeling about this one though!

3) The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid
And last but not least is The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid! Like The Wrath and the Dawn, I've been wanting to read this one since it's release. I'm cheating a tad because I did read 30 or so pages a month ago, but I put it down and didn't continue reading it. Now that I'm thinking about it, I have no idea where my copy of The Diabolic is...eek!!

The other top picks are as follows: The Reader, Compulsion, Brave New Girl (which I've already read, sorry!!), Ten Thousand Skies Above You, and Infinity. 

Out of those, I am most looking forward to reading The Reader and Infinity. 

NOW....unto the other books I hope to read this month!

4) Frostblood by Elly Blake
I'm actually listening to the audiobook right now, and I have some work to do! As of now, I have just under 2 days to the majority of the book. I'm only 30 percent through, but I am enjoying myself! It's a pretty standard fantasy novel, and nothing is spectacular as of now, but it isn't bad at all!

5) Recreated by Colleen Houck
Recreated is the second book in Houck's Reawakened trilogy, and I'm actually struggling with it to be honest. The book isn't drawing me in at all, and I'm having a hard time pushing through. I'm about 60 percent of the way through, and it's finally starting to pick up for me. The third and final book is coming out on the 8th, so I'll have the sequel ready right as I finish the book!

6) Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
I'm reading this one right now (and unfortunately) trudging along. I think it might be because I'm so used to reading young adult novels, and this is an adult novel and requires a tad more thinking. I am enjoying where the story is going, but it is very slow going. 

7) Sea Spell by Jennifer Donnelly
This is the final book in Donnelly's Waterfire Saga, and I can't wait to read it this August! I don't know when I would (probably after the readathon), but I like forward to doing so. Donnelly has created such a wonderful world, and the cast of characters is just as wonderful. <3

So, those are the seven books I for sure want to read this August! Have you read any of the books I mentioned above? What did you think?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!