The rules are simple for both. For the Friday 56, we turn to page 56 or 56% in our e-reader and highlight a passage of any book! Book Beginnings is where you feature the first sentence (or so) of a book and give your thoughts and impressions.
Book Beginnings!
This is the opening lines of The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury! I've been wanting to read this for a while, and I figured it was about time and try and give it a go. I know it's a loose retelling of Aladdin (in the POV of the genie) in which the genie and Aladdin fall in love. Fingers crossed I get to this soon!
Friday 56!
So this is a quote from the 56th page of my ebook of My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent! This is the second book in the Soul Screamers series, which I started last week. I am about to put up a review of the first book, which I liked, but didn't love. I did like it enough to continue on with the series though! I wonder what's up with Addison Page... This series is actually 7 books long! I thought it was a trilogy, which was definitely a factor that convinced me to start reading the series. Even though I fooled myself, I'm now committed to the series. Unless I start hating the books, I think I'm going to be reading all of them!
Have you read either of these books? What did you think of them?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!
PS - I always feature two books on Friday! One for each meme. :) I would appreciate if you mentioned the book you are commenting on by title! I sometimes get comments like "That sounds so cool!" but I unfortunately don't know which one you are talking about! So please say which book you are talking about so I can interact with everyone better! Thanks so much! <3