
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #45

Hey everyone and welcome back (or to!) my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW was hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase an upcoming release we are excited about. Jill hasn't been posting for quite some time, so Tressa @ Wishful Endings has adopted and renamed WoW to Can't Wait Wednesday.

For this week, I chose Achilles by Greg Boose, out September 26th!
The year is 2221, and humans have colonized an earthlike planet called Thetis in the Silver Foot Galaxy. After a tragic accident kills off dozens of teenage colonists, Thetis's leaders are desperate to repopulate. So the Mayflower 2, a state-of-the-art spaceship, sets off across the universe to bring 177 new recruits to the colony.

For Jonah Lincoln, an orphaned teen who's bounced between foster homes and spent time on the streets of Cleveland, the voyage is a chance to reinvent himself, to be strong and independent and brave the way he could never be on Earth. But his dreams go up in smoke when their ship crash-lands, killing half the passengers and leaving the rest stranded--not on Thetis, but on its cruel and unpeopled moon, Achilles.
Between its bloodthirsty alien life forms and its distance from their intended location, Achilles is far from an ideal resting place. The situation is already dire, but when all of the adults suddenly disappear, leaving the teenage passengers to fend for themselves, Jonah doubts they'll survive at all, much less reach Thetis. Especially when it appears Achilles isn't as uninhabited as they were led to believe.
Why I'm Waiting

I was actually approved for Achilles on Netgalley a while back, but didn't get to it until this past Saturday. As of that night, I'm halfway through exactly! So far, I'm enjoying myself while reading this book and thought it needed some more attention. Achilles starts off with a bang (quite literally) and hasn't let up since then, which I really appreciate for a sci-fi/survival story! I'm having trouble connecting with the characters, but the plot is living up to my expectations. I'm really looking forward to what more people have to say when the book releases later this month! 

What are some of your favorite books set in space? I'd love some recommendations. :) 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Update: I finished the book today (Tuesday) and enjoyed it, but didn't love it. I had some problems with the characters and pacing, all of which will be discussed in my review, which should be coming this weekend if all goes well!