Anyways, the idea of this post is to choose books on my TBR that I think will be five star reads. I don't anticipate most of my books that I put on my TBR to be five star reads, but there are a couple here and there that I have a good feeling about!
Without further ado, here are some 5 star read predictions!

1) Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett
Starry Eyes makes this list because Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett is one of my favorite books. Not of just young adult, or contemporary, but of everything. I thought it was such a fun and endearing read, and I've skimmed it a couple times whenever I need a pick me up. Because of how spectacular Alex, Approx was, I have high hopes for Starry Eyes, which is due this upcoming March!

2) From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon
From Twinkle, With Love is on this list for the same reason Starry Eyes is! Though When Dimple Met Rishi is one of my favorite YA books, it's not one of my favorite books ever. However, the story was so warm and fluffy and adorable, just like a cute furry puppy. I hope all of that cuteness in WDMR is in From Twinkle, With Love!

3) Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
It is almost 99% confirmed that Obisidio will be a five star read for me. Out of the 6 books I've read by Kaufman, four of them have been five star reads. Ergo, the odds are in my favor. And out of my five star reads, my favorites are Gemina and Illuminae, with are the predecessors to Obsidio. So the odds are really in my favor for this one. I cannot wait for the epic conclusion to this series!
4) Endeavor by Amanda Bouchet
Last but not least is a book that I actually know very little about! I've read the synopsis a total of one time, and all I remember is that it is set in space. But... space is one of my favorite settings, and when you put that together with the author of The Kingmaker Chronicles, which is spectacular, it's a done deal that I will love this book. Favorite setting meets one of my favorite authors. Need I say more?
And those were the only ones I found of my TBR (in one pass, mind you) that I think are going to be five star reads! I won't know until all of these release, so it's a long wait to see if I'm right! But if I am, I'll let you know in a follow up post!
Do you have any books that you expect to be five star reads? What do you normally expect your rating to be before picking up a book? I always expect 3.5 stars, and hope for 4!
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!