September was such a crazy month for me. College really kicked into high gear, and I was focused solely on that. There was one week where I had three papers and a midterm, so as you can imagine, I was super busy! My sister did come down though one weekend, and I stayed one night at my home. It was nice to just relax and have a change of scenery for 24 hours. The next weekend, I went home to take care of my dog while my parents had a mini vacation! Even though I was a bit jealous and kinda wanted to go with them, it was so nice to be in town and have the house to myself. I also missed my dog a lot this month, so we got some much needed quality time.
The only really bad thing that happened, was that when I tried to go home, my car was completely dead!! It's a new battery, so even though it was sitting for three weeks, it should have been working. My dad just exchanged the battery (yay for warranty!), and my car is running again!!
Book I Read This Month!
My Soul to Take by Rachel VincentSo I completely picked this up on a whim for a readathon, and I was pleasantly surprised! You can check out my review here! The book had a lot of stereotypical characters, and the book meandered for quite a bit. However, the writing really kept me hooked and the plot was very inventive. I won't say what the paranormal creatures are, but I hadn't even heard of them until reading this. I have My Soul to Take 3 out of 5 Stars, and I will be continuing on with the series.

Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines
I also read Until Friday Night on a whim! It was free for a small period of time via Riveted Lit, and once I started reading I couldn't stop. Abbi Glines is a very well loved YA and NA author, but something just didn't click for me and this book. Yes, I enjoyed it, but I also had a fair share of problems with it too. Here is my review for more detailed thoughts! I gave the book 3 out of 5 Stars, and won't be continuing with the series.
Plague Land by Alex Scarrow

Everneath by Brodi Ashton
This is probably the book where I had the most fun with in September. This just gave me those YA trilogy vibes that have been sorely missing from my reading! Though there were definite flaws in this book, I'm glad I picked it up. I didn't love the narration for the audiobook, so I would suggest just reading it in print. The best part of this book was the main character; I empathized with her so much. I will be continuing on with the series, but I'm nervous considering the reviews for the third book! 3.5 Stars!

Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
So I read Fun Home for class, and I really enjoyed it! I didn't love it, but I do see why it is so popular. Alison Bechdel is the person who created the Bechdel test. If you are unfamiliar with it, check out this website here! Even though I didn't love it, I think it's such an important read. I gave Fun Home 4 out of 5 stars!

Achilles by Greg Boose
This is yet another review book that really didn't work for me. Though I liked this more than Plague Land it was just okay. This book barely got 3 stars from me, and it was solely because of the last 20 percent. I wouldn't tell people to not read this book, but I wouldn't urge you to read it either. If you are looking for a book set on another plant with nefarious happenings, this does have that. However, it also has a cast of characters I didn't care for at all. I'm still trying to decide if I want to read the rest of the series.
Unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Heart on Fire by Amanda Bouchet

Being Emily by Rachel Gold

So! Those were the 9 books I read this month! To be honest, September was kind of a downer in terms of reading for me! There was only one book I loved, and I was too caught up in schoolwork to really immerse myself in any of the books I read.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you this Wednesday for another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!