
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #64

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in Waiting on Wednesday, and meme originally created by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Jill hasn't been active for a while, so Tressa @ Wishful Endings has adopted it! If you see posts by the name of "Can't Wait Wednesday," it's the same thing!

The book I'm looking forward to this week is Lizzie by Dawn Ius!

Seventeen-year-old Lizzie Borden has never been kissed. Polite but painfully shy, Lizzie prefers to stay in the kitchen, where she can dream of becoming a chef and escape her reality. With tyrannical parents who force her to work at the family’s B&B and her blackout episodes—a medical condition that has plagued her since her first menstrual cycle—Lizzie longs for a life of freedom, the time and space to just figure out who she is and what she wants.

Enter the effervescent, unpredictable Bridget Sullivan. Bridget has joined the B&B’s staff as the new maid, and Lizzie is instantly drawn to her artistic style and free spirit—even her Star Wars obsession is kind of cute. The two of them forge bonds that quickly turn into something that’s maybe more than friendship.

But when her parents try to restrain Lizzie from living the life she wants, it sparks something in her that she can’t quite figure out. Her blackout episodes start getting worse, her instincts less and less reliable. Lizzie is angry, certainly, but she also feels like she’s going mad…

Here are some stats about the book:
Genre - YA LGBT Contemporary
Release Date - April 10, 2018
Publisher - Simon Pulse
Pages -320
Why I'm Waiting
I've never read a Lizzie Borden story, but I'm interested! If you don't know, Lizzie Borden was tried and acquitted for the axe murders of her father and stepmother in 1892. I've seen some tv specials about her, but I'm interested to see what is in store for a YA adaption. Also, there seems to be hits of a lesbian romance, and I'm here for it. 

Are you looking forward to Lizzie?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!