
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #70

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in Waiting on Wednesday, and meme originally created by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Jill hasn't been active for a while, so Tressa @ Wishful Endings has adopted it! If you see posts by the name of "Can't Wait Wednesday," it's the same thing!

The book I'm looking forward to this week is Nightblood by Elly Blake!

Ruby's world has changed more than she ever could have imagined. She's in love with a powerful Frost King. She's the heir to the Fire Throne. And she may be a Nightblood--the spawn of a vengeful deity hellbent on releasing his wraithlike Minax from their prison. Once freed, these beasts will roam the earth, devouring every last person until he or she is nothing but an empty husk. But Ruby is able to control the Minax to a degree, and now she, her beloved Arcus, and her friend Kai must find a way to bring Frostbloods and Firebloods--sworn enemies--together to make a stand against a foe more deadly than any they've faced.

In this heart-pounding finale of Elly Blake's gorgeously written and action-packed Frostblood Saga, the fate of Frostbloods, Firebloods, and all of humanity is at stake.

Here are some stats about the book:
Genre - YA Fantasy
Release Date - June 5, 2018
Publisher - Little, Brown Books for Readers
Pages - 400
Why I'm Waiting 
I'm listening to Fireblood right now, and I am loving it. I enjoyed Frostblood (review here), but I did have some problems with it. From at least what I have listened to, I am starting to enjoy the book more. I'll be finishing this book just a couple months before this release, and hopefully I'll like both! 

Are you looking forward to Nightblood?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!