A Dark Book that You Loved
Throughout Reign the Earth, there is almost never a light-hearted moment. Things keep getting worse and worse for Shalia. The tension keeps ramping up, and Shalia gets herself in some very dangerous situations. The ending is heartbreaking, and I can't wait for the sequel.
A Favorite Light Read
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue was so much fun. While there are several moments when the book is more touching, the book is a ton of fun and made me laugh out loud. The narration is dead on, and I had such a great time listening to it.
A Book that Gave You Mixed Emotions
The Hating Game, while fun, left me a bit mixed on the romance. While Lucy and Joshua have chemistry, for sure, I didn't really ship them together. The humor didn't click for me, and there were some interactions that were meant to be sexy that didn't work for me.
A Book that You Recommend to Everyone
I think The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas is a book everyone should read. The book is about police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement. Not only is the book well written, but the subject matter is important to read about, whether or not you agree with the BLM movement, political affiliation, etc.
A Book You Started But Never Finished
A Book with Great Writing
A Book that Left You Wanting More
Series with 4 or More Books
I didn't realize how many duologies and trilogies are being published right now until I had to go searching for a series on my read list! At first, I thought I would pick Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments, which his an oldie but a goodie. But then, I decided to give some love to The Witchlands series. There's five books to the series, and though only 2 have been published, I'm sure it's going to be epic!
A Book that Wasn't What You Anticipated
When I picked up Stay Sweet, I was expecting it to be a fluffy contemporary read. To my happy surprise, Stay Sweet was much more complex! Cate is struggling with moving on from her small town and to start anew in college, and because of that, she is trying to have the best summer of her life. I also was pretty anxious during the summer before my first year at university, and I loved the care Siobhan Vivian put into the book.
So that was the Cake Flavored Book Tag! Feel free to join in on the fun. :)
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Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!