
Friday, August 10, 2018

TAG | Life's a Beach Book Tag!

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be doing another tag. After doing the Cake Flavored Book Tag and having such a wonderful time making the graphics and picking out the books, I wanted to do another right away. I saw this tag from Krystianna from Downright Dystopian. Check out her tag post here

The ending of The Empress by SJ Kincaid left me reeling. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into. I've read several second books in sci-fi/fantasy series, but all my expectations were shattered. Things went off the rails, and weeks (and months) after reading the book, I keep thinking back to the book. I am eagerly anticipating the third book! 

So I'm going to take a little different take on this prompt! Instead of having a book that burned me (as in something happened I disliked, or a book I disliked), I'm going to choose a book that was so H-O-T it left me fanning myself. And that book is... Bad Romeo by Leisa Rayven! The romance in Bad Romeo was done so well, and the Cassie and Ethan's romance was sizzling. 

When I'm feeling anxious or stressed, I pick up a Jenny Han book. Most of the time, it's either We'll Always Have Summer or Always and Forever, Lara Jean. There's just something about Han's writing that allows me to fully escape into the story, enjoy, and see all the characters I love. 

The Unexpected Everything's cover just screams summer. We've got an ice cream shop, a girl wearing shorts and a tank top, and lots of cute dogs. When I look at this book, I immediately correlate it to the summer.

Sea Witch by Sarah Henning is everywhere I look! Whenever I go to my feed, without doubt, I see a review for Sea Witch, a post dedicated to it, or just in a book tag (like this one!). Seeing all this hype is encouraging, and I'm sure it's convinced other people to pick the book up. If I'm being honest though, I want to see some other books on my feed! 

The first book that came to mind was Nyxia and Nyxia Unleashed by Scott Reintgen! The cast of characters is diverse, racially, ethnically, and religiously. It's great to such a diverse cast, and every character is complex as well! 

Dare to Love by Carly Phillips is the most recent book I've read in one day. It wasn't stunning, but it sure was entertaining! Dare to Love is a stereotypical romance. The male love interest has walls, and is cold and distant. The female love interest has her baggage as well, and leads to conflict. Basically, it's like every other romance book I've read. It wasn't fantastic, but it was a quick read. 

I can't wait to reread Hunger by Roxane Gay. I had to read it for a class, and because of that, read it much more quickly than I would have preferred. The next time I read Hunger, I want to take my time with it and let it sink. 

Well, that's the tag! If you want to do the tag, feel free! I know bloggers have their schedules, so I'm not going to tag anyone. 
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading! 
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!