
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

TTT | The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in the weekly meme, Top Ten Tuesday. Every Tuesday, Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl provides prompts, and bloggers answer them! I don't participate in these every Tuesday but just every now and again. 

This week's prompt is the most recent additions to our to-read list. I'm writing and scheduling this post, so these additions are from the night of January 5th. I would assume that I will add more in between the time I'm writing this post and by it's publication date. If you want the most updated version, feel free to check out my goodreads to-read list

Here are my most recent additions to my list on goodreads! 

Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate

I was looking for historical fiction recommendations on twitter (follow me here if you want!), and I was recommended this by V, who blogs over at Audio Killed the Bookmark. It sounds absolutely wonderful, as it follows two impoverished young girls who are kidnapped and sold to rich people. Scribd and my library doesn't have this though, so I'm not too sure when I'll get my hands on it! 

Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen

This is another book I added because of twitter! Sam from WLAAB mentioned that The Running Dream was one of her favorite reads of 2018. I love that book, and responded as such, and the author responded! Sam also mentioned she really liked Flipped, and I went to goodreads right away and added it. 

Forever, Interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Honestly, I'm not too sure how this got on my list. I want to say that I saw a review or a vlog? I'm not too sure. This is a novel about a newly married couple. Very soon after, Elsie's husband dies, and she must navigate her grief along with her new mother in law, who didn't know that her son was married before his death. This book sounds super messy and sad, and I'm here for it. 

The Last Hope by Krista & Becca Ritchie

The Last Hope is the sequel to Krista & Becca Ritchie's 2018 novel, This Raging Light. I finished This Raging Light earlier this month, and really enjoyed it. I just posted my review a couple days ago here! After that wonderful ending, I went straight away to goodreads and added the book! 
Light Years by Kass Morgan

I was on Netgalley earlier this month and made the kind of bad decision to look at the ARCs I was denied. Light Years is one of them, and I realized that I totally forgot about the book after being rejected. Maybe I made that decision subconsciously? Who knows! I went over to goodreads and after reading the synopsis, which I then promptly forgot, I added it. I enjoyed Kass Morgan's trilogy, The 100, enough for me to read another book by hers. Side note: The 100 is a TV show, and is amazing and (gasp!) better than the books. 
99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

Last year, I read The Hating Game by Sally Thorne. I didn't love it, but I was very entertained. I'm not a huge fan of the hate to love trope, but I am a mega-fan of the trope in which a protagonist falls in love with their sibling's best friend, which is the premise of 99 Percent Mine. Sign. Me. Up!
The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare 

As someone who is in deep with the Shadowhunter Chronicles, wanting to read this book is pretty much a given. While writing this post I realized I didn't have Chain of Gold on my list...what! The Red Scrolls of Magic follows fan faves Alec and Magnus, and I'm excited, but also nervous. I love Magnus and Alec, and this is the first book of theirs where they are the main characters. Also, this book is co-written with Welsely Chu, who I haven't read from. Despite my reservations, I'm definitely reading this. 
Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven

Like I did with Light Years by Kass Morgan, I read the synopsis of Phoenix Unbound, found it interesting enough to add to my goodreads list, and then promptly forgot all about it. I'm pretty sure I read a glowing review of the novel as well. This isn't of the top of my priority list, but it must have sounded interesting enough for me to add. 
Soulless by Gail Carriger

I added this book when trying to figure out a historical romance novel I would want to read for Romanceopoly, a reading challenge I am participating in this year. I've heard wonderful things about Soulless for years now, and I haven't read a Steampunk inspired novel in quite some time. I'll be reading this when I land on the correct square for the reading challenge!

Man Hands by Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby 

I have no idea what situation I was in when I added this book to goodreads. I probably saw it on Scribd after searching Sarina Bowen. I read and really adored Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy's Him. Even though I don't remember the plot, I'll probably read this within the next couple months since it's on Scribd, which is truly a saving grace. 

And those are the most recent additions to my to-read list on goodreads (as of Jan. 5)! Do we have any books in common? What are some of your most recent additions? 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!