
Monday, May 13, 2019

An Update | On Reading, Blogging, and My Life!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be giving you an update on, well...everything! If you haven't noticed, I haven't been to active on this blog, and there are several reasons for why my blogging has fallen to the wayside. 

Since you haven't seen me regularly on this blog in quite a while, I figured I would give you some updates on reader-y things and a little bit of my personal life! 


So, funny thing. I was actually going to write an April wrap up, but when I checked goodreads, I was surprised to realize that I only read two books. I'm not behind on my reading goal (100 books) but I am *gasp* on track! Before this semester started, I was easily 7-8 books ahead of schedule, and it was nice to know worry about that. I try not to give too much weight to arbitrary goals, but I've been reading at least a 100 books for a four (?) years now, and I definitely want to continue on that goal. 
Now that I'm done with school for this semester (more on that later!), I've begun to read a lot more! I'm almost done with one book, in the middle of another, and over halfway through an audiobook. I'm looking forward to getting back on my expedited track! 

Besides the goodreads challenge, I am technically a participant of Romanceopoly, a reading challenge with a romance-themed monopoly board. Out of all the squares (I have no idea how many there are, tbh), I've only completed two. For someone who wanted to finish the whole board, I know that this isn't going to happen. But I hope to put some more attention into this reading challenge! 

As for what specific books I am'll get another post on that soon (imagine me winking, but in a non-creepy way). 


As for my blog, I do have some plans! Besides this post, I have a couple in my mind: a post about my current reads, a review on the Shadowhunters series finale, and another fun post about cover trends right now. I'm probably going to participate in some Top Ten Tuesdays as well, but I have yet to check the prompts. 
In order to make sure that I actually post regularly (lol, what is that), I'm going to write up a schedule. I want to post at least twice a week, and I think I could do that pretty easily. Last summer I posted three times a week without too many issues, but I don't want to set myself to that commitment, since this summer I'll have more responsibilities. And that leads me to my life updates!

My Life

As I mentioned, I finally finished the spring semester of college! I just finished up my sophomore year of college, and it's both duanting and exciting to know that I'm halfway done with my college career. I'm not going to lie, I'm starting to get worried about getting a job after college, but I have some future plans for this summer and upcoming school year. 
Image result for her campusThis past semester, I became a Campus Coordinator, aka Editor in Chief, for Her Campus Chapel Hill. Her Campus is the leading online magazine for collegiate women, and Her Campus Chapel Hill is a chapter of that org! I started out in the fall as a writer, and the leadership position has been both rewarding and challening. Her Campus is a wonderful company as well, and I'm not going to lie - I would love to work with them in the future. My work as a Campus Coordinator goes until I graduate, so I'll be continuing to intern for them until May 2021!

Image result for algonquin booksAlong with my work at Her Campus, I was also an editorial intern for Algonquin Books! Algonquin Books is an imprint of Workman publishing, and publishes literary fiction and creative nonfiction. The internship was only for a semester, but it was invaluable and I'm so grateful for the experience. 

Since all that work was unpaid, I was really searching just for a summer job to bolster my bank account. After applying to a slew of jobs, I decided to work for a local Harris Teeter as a cashier. Though I don't think this is going to be the most amazing job ever, it is going to be my first paid working experience, so I'm happy about that!

So my summer looks like this: I'm going to be blogging and reading more, as well as start my first paid job! I'm looking forward to the summer, and hope to be productive! 

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post! 

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!