
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Best Romance I've Read Last Year! | 2019 Yearly Rewind

As a lover of romance, I've read quite a bit of romance this year!

Here are my favorite romance books I read in 2019! Keep in mind that these are the books I read in 2019, not just 2019 releases. Additionally, this list will only be adult romance novels. If you want to see some other picks, here are my other lists for the year!

I know this is a bit late, but hey, better late than never! 

The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

The Bromance Book Club is a shining star in the romance genre! It is the start of a new series by Adams - which do not need to be read in a specific order - that tackles toxic masculinity, emotional vulnerability, healthy communication, and reader shame. It was heartfelt, nuanced, and above all, sexy. If you love the second-chance romance trope and/or enjoy contemporary romances, The Bromance Book Club is a great start for you. 

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
Another great contemporary romance? Get A Life, Chloe Brown! Chloe Brown is on a mission: to get a life. After a near-death experience, Chloe has a new lease on life and wants to make the mot of it, and her motorcycle-riding sexy superintendent just might be able to help. Hibbert's novel has charisma, chemistry, and passion. Chloe is also chronically ill and has an autoimmune disease, and I really appreciated the representation! Get your hands on it ASAP if you want a smart and sexy romance!