
About Me!

Hey everyone!! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! My name is Genni and I run this blog! Here are a some facts about me:

1) I'm 20!

2) I live in the US

3) I mostly read romance, young adult, and general fiction.

  4) I'm currently a university student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

5) I am double majoring in English and Women and Gender Studies. I'd love to work for a publishing company that combines these two passions, like for women's fiction or romance!

6) I love doing research papers! Something about sifting through other publications, other think-pieces and making my own argument is really satisfying.

7) I am a feminist! I'd love to talk about it if you have any questions or assumptions.

8) Whenever I need some comforting or mindless entertainment, I go back and revisit some of my favorite books, like We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han. 

9) I currently work at my local independent bookstore. 

10) I have two dogs, Gabby and Lulu! (Gabby pictured right).

11) I also have an older sister (she's three years older), but sometimes people ask if we're twins, which is weird because we don't look extremely alike. 

12) I also read manga! Some of my favorites include Fruits Basket and Marmalade Boy. My guilty pleasures are Peach Girl and Mermaid Melody!

13) I have extra bones in my mouth behind my bottom teeth from grinding and clenching. I now have a mouth guard and none have grown! 

14) I love TV - ask me for some recs!

15) I have a soft spot for Barbie movies, and whenever my longest friend and I hang out, we watch our favorites as children (Princess and the Pauper, anyone?)

16) I always try to read 100 books a year, and haven't failed yet! If I do? Oh well!

17) I really enjoy graphic design, even if I'm not the best.

18) I love watching movies, and actually thought about being a Global Cinemas Minor before I decided to just focus on my two majors. 

19) I'm 5' 2". It's really hard to reach things sometimes. ;)

20) When I was 6, I had a pretty severe case of lazy eye and I had to wear an eye patch. I'm totally fine now, but it's pretty humorous to look back on.

Okay there are 20 fun facts about me! I hope they're fun at least. Hopefully this gave you a little insight into who I am behind the screen!


Updated on: 13 March 2020

1 comment:

  1. Oh i didn't know what an acquisitions editor was and now I do! That would be one amazing job! :)And oh I love enjoyable dance workouts!They make me feel so awesome :) Oh I'm so sorry your mom's having a bad time with her health...Both are terrible conditions :/

    GOG 2 was so adorable and emotional!! I AM GROOT! I'm barely 5'2" :P Oh god! Is your eye better now?

    It was amazing getting to know you better Genni :) :)

