Just over a week ago, I discovered an app that made me stop everything and read hours straight. This app is Wattpad, and I couldn't put down the stories that I picked up. Wattpad is an app that has free novels that are unpublished. Since August 2, I have read four novels so far. I'm going to be doing these Wattpad reviews periodically after I've read a number of them on the app. Let's get started!

The first novel I read,
Boot Camp, has actually been my favorite so far. The book follows a teenage girl, Whitney, and her time spent at a fitness camp in order to feel more confident about herself. Over time, she develops feelings for her personal trainer, Axel, who is closed off and secretive. The reason that I enjoyed this as much as I did was because Whitney developed so much as a character. In the exposition, she was a teenage girl who wasn't happy with her life and had extremely low self esteem. At the end, Whitney is so much more confident in herself and has straightened out her life. I did get annoyed at times about how the only thing holding Axel and Whitney were themselves. There were also times where the pacing was all over the place, but it was easy to overlook. Overall, I did have a great time reading
Boot Camp, and its apparent since I read this in less than 24 hours! I'm definitely recommending this novel to anyone who is looking for a light contemporary. It's an authentic summer read, and I really enjoyed it. I give this one
3.75 Stars!

Boot Camp, I picked up
Forever and Always, Olive. This novel has the classic good girl meets bad boy young adult trope. I have a weakness for these stories, and it will be evident in the next two books I mention as well. Olive is sent to her aunt's house after her parents are fed up with her partying ways. For her junior year, she must live with her aunt and cousin. Olive is dared to ask bad boy Maddox to homecoming, and the novel takes off from there. Just like
Boot Camp, I ate up this novel; I couldn't put it down! Though it was cliche, it was such a quick read. If you're looking for a light read, I would recommend this. Don't be too critical, though!
Forever and Always, Olive does have its faults. Once again, I was frustrated at how long it took for the two characters to be together, and it seemed as if the author didn't have the story planned when she wrote it. I do like how she interacted with readers and based her story off what they wanted, but it seemed as if she herself didn't really know how the story would end. I did like this one, but it was just okay for me. Yes, it was interesting and I couldn't put it down, but I did get really agitated with the story since it seemed dragged out to me. My favorite aspect of the novel were the characters. All of them had a good back story and really grew, and I appreciated that. The characters, both major and minor, felt authentic and real and I couldn't help but root for them as the story progressed. With that, I give this novel
3 Stars!

The third and fourth books I read on Wattpad were once again good girl falls for bad boy novels. Unfortunately, I did not like these as much. In
Despicable Arrogance, Audrey is forced to work with the one boy she truly hates, Grayson Carter. Though the story was compelling, I couldn't connect with Audrey at all. Her voice was juvenile and not at all how I would think in her situation. I loved the build up of her and Grayson, but there were times when she got so jealous over the littlest thing. If a girl even looked at Grayson the wrong way, Audrey wanted to slap her. I found that really unprecedented since her and Grayson did not have any relationship or friendship for that matter until the about a third of the way through the book. Though it was a quick read, I just got really annoyed at Audrey and wished she was more mature. The fourth and final novel I read was
Playing Hard to Get. This novel follows Jessica and the consequences that ensue when her family takes in bad boy Matt into their house until he gets back onto his feet. My main issue is that the book was so short and the characters never seemed full fledged at all. The characters never really got a good backbone nor back story. For that reason, I couldn't connect with the characters like I wanted to. In fact, I liked reading about the secondary characters more than the primary ones. I give
Despicable Arrogance 2.5 Stars and
Playing Hard to Get 2 Stars. They weren't bad per say, but I would not recommend them to you either. They were quick reads, and I could see why people loved their stories.
Hope you guys liked this! I'm going to take a break from Wattpad stories for now. When I open the app up again, I'm going to try to look for more versatile stories that aren't just about bad boys. Tell me if you've read any of these before! I definitely recommend
Boot Camp for you guys if you're interested in the app at all but don't know what to read. There are also some novels that have actually been published, such as
My Life with the Walter Boys. The novel is still up on the app, but I'm assuming some changes have been made between the published and unpublished version.
Thanks for checking out my blog!! You can also find me on goodreads
here! Comment down below on what your favorite Wattpad read is and I'll add it to my library.
Hope you have a good day and happy reading!
- Genni from
Ready, Set, Read!