
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Authors I've Discovered This Year

Hey guys and welcome back! Today's post is a Top 5 Wednesday, that was created by Lainey over at gingerreadslainey! You can find the goodreads group here. This week's topic was the top 5 authors I have discovered this year. These five don't necessarily have to be debut authors of this year, but one's that I just started reading this year.

5.) Melissa Landers

I started reading Melissa Landers in February this year with Alienated and really liked it! While it wasn't an amazing read, it was super fun and it made me pick up the second book right away. When I heard that there was a third novel being released in the series, I was so happy and I cannot wait for it to be released in August 2016! Landers is also releasing a book in February of next year as well, and it sounds amazing! You can find Melissa Landers here on goodreads and here at her website! Definitely check her out!

4.) Wendy Higgins

Higgins is most known for her Sweet Series, which at first was a trilogy but became a quasi quartet when Higgins released a fourth novel that surmised the series in Kai's perspective. I did have a lot of issues with the series, but the author's writing is what really kept me going with it. I do want to read the fourth book once my library gets it. You can find Wendy here on goodreads and here!

3.) Cynthia Hand

Cynthia Hand is the author of the super popular angel series Unearthly. I read the novels right after each other in January and absolutely loved it! I gave the first book 4.25 stars, the second 4.5, and the final novel 5 stars. If you're hesitant to pick the series up because it has to do with angels, don't be! The series touched my heart and made me cry several different times. I'm highly anticipating My Lady Jane! You can find Hand here on goodreads and here on her website.

2.) Carey Heywood

I've read a crap-ton of Carey Heywood this year. While she's not my favorite author, her books are cheap and her writing addictive.  She's not that active on her website, but you can find her here on goodreads! Try checking her out; she doesn't get as much recognition as she deserves. Plus, the first in her series are free!

1.) Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover has become one of my favorite authors of all time. I have never disliked anything she releases, and I am highly anticipating any of her releases. I have already read five of her works this year! Out of all of her books, I want to read Ugly Love next, but there is a high possibility it will actually be Never, Never. If you don't believe how much of a severe fangirl I am, just check out my review of Maybe Someday where I freak out. You can find her on goodreads here and her website is here! Hoover's writing style is amazing and draws me in no matter what. I will literally read anything she writes.

 Have you read any of these authors? What has been your favorite book by them? Who were some of the best authors you have discovered?

Thanks for stopping by guys! I'll see you soon with another post!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!