
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Wishes I'd Ask the Book Genie to Grant Me

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I am doing a Top Ten Tuesday post, which started over at The Broke and The Bookish! As you can see from the title, this week's idea was the top ten wishes we'd ask the book genie! I had a lot of fun with this post, and hopefully you guys like it as well!

Oh, Genie. Oh, Genie. I have a lot of wishes to ask you for. Unfortunately, I can only choose ten. How will I survive?

First, can you grant me the exquisite knowledge of whether or not I will actually read the book I buy? It would really shrink down my TBR pile in my room.

Next, can you rid me of a horrible book issue where when I am so nervous for the end of a book, I ruin it myself by reading the last 50 or so pages? Even though my actions are contradictory, I don't actually like spoiling myself; I can't help it.

After those two, can you add just a little bit more free time during the day so I can actually read something other than my school textbooks. Don't get me wrong, the dry and informative writing that squanders any enjoyment level is actually my favorite type of writing style, but sometimes I like to read below average novels where I can actually use my imagination. Who would have thought?

Book Genie, can you also grant me the wish of a higher lexile level? I know I understand most the big words, but it would be a help to just know what everything meant and understand all the rhetoric before looking it up.

My other request is that my eyes will never grow tired from reading. While watching the words fuzz from my intensity I bring to everything is actually one of my favorite pastimes, I heard actually being able to read the book is something people actually do! Imagine that!

My dear genie, in case you haven't noticed, I don't have perfect vision and wear glasses or contacts. Is there some way to make reading not harm my eyes even more when I'm reading an ebook? No??

Another wish I wish to be granted (Get it, Genie) is that I will be forewarned with a long period of time before someone is about to spoil me for a book so I can get the heck out of there.

My eighth wish is that I have a faster reading pace. Who knows? With that, I might be able to double my goodreads goal. But alas, 100 is where I leave that number.

After my faster reading pace is granted, I would like to use my wish for others. I really want everyone on the world to be able to read that one book that gets them into reading, whether it is Harry Potter or Fifty Shades of Grey. When people tell me they don't like to read, I tell them they haven't found the right book.

And lastly, book genie, I would like you to provide books to those that can't afford them or don't have the means! People deserve to have the option of reading.

Hey guys and thanks for stopping by! I hope you  liked this post even though it's a billion years late! In case you didn't get it, I was being pretty sarcastic on the second and fourth wish! ;)

I'll see you guys soon with another post! I have a review coming and I'm thinking of doing a top five Wednesday post as well!

See you then!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!