The definition of science fiction is "fiction based on imagined futuristic scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets." But what is the major difference between genres such as science fiction and dystopians. For me, I have been wondering this for a while and determined that while not all science fiction works are dystopian, but all or most dystopians are science fiction.
Take Delirium by Lauren Oliver, for instance. No one really thinks of the series where love is a disease as science fiction, but it fits the parameters. Not only does the world in the novel has extreme technological advances, but both the social and environmental aspects of the society has vastly changed. The book is set in the future and fits the definition, but I have never really thought about the series as a science fiction one.
Throughout Sci-Fi Month, I've been asking myself if the books I've been reading are science fiction or not. Another question that I have is if fantasy novels could also be considered science fiction as well. In most fantasy, there are creatures that defy our natural world, but does that make it science fiction? Yes, society in a fantasy novel is vastly different than our world, but the story is set in another universe. I still haven't made my mind up yet on this one!
What are your thoughts? I never really thought about it up until now, but it is an interesting concept that I have read more science fiction books than I think I have. What are some of your favorite science fiction books that you have read?
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!