
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Movie Review: Mockingjay Part 2

I literally have nothing bad to say about this film! I absolutely loved it!

Mockingjay Part 2 is everything I wanted in a concluding movie of one of my favorite franchises. I never knew I could be so happy with something. Right once I finished seeing the movie, I wanted to go back and see it again. 

This was such a faithful adaptation and I loved every second of it. They really stuck true to the books and I adored how they translated it into film. The acting is on point throughout the entire movie, and Josh Hutcherson's portrayal of a broken Peeta was excellent. Even though the movie is pretty long, 2 hours and 17 minutes, there was not one time I was bored. Because I knew what was going to happen since I have read the books, I was eagerly anticipating some scenes and anxious at others. I was low-key hoping they didn't kill off a certain character in the sewers, but the scene was so well done and truly paid tribute to the character. 

One thing I love about this book is that there is so much symbolism and " Easter eggs" throughout the film. For instance, at the end of the movie (no major spoiler don't worry!) Peeta is holding a dandelion. If you don't remember, at the end of Mockingjay Katniss explains how Gale is like a fire while Peeta is a dandelion. Already fire-like herself, she needs something to calm herself and Peeta is her perfect match. In another scene, when President Snow coughs up blood, it comes out in the shape of a mockingjay! Now that is just brilliant. Another scene that I felt was really cool was one of the end scenes where Peeta and Katniss are just sitting together looking outside as it rains. They are in the same exact post they are in on top of the roof in The Hunger Games movies, and it made the scene so much more powerful. You can really see their character development from then to now. 

I was also worried about the scene near the end with President Snow, President Cain, and Katniss at the trials. (I'm trying so hard to not give spoilers! Haha!) Because I knew what Katniss was about to do, Cain's speech was so powerful and ironic. Not only is she talking about Snow, an evil dictator, but herself as well as she continues on with her tyranny.  

I literally have no complaints. Not only was this movie faithful to the book, but was extremely well written, directed, and acted. If you haven't heard already, there was this scene between a couple that never happened in the book that became canon in the movies. I loved that change! I've been shipping this couple ever since I first read the books and I was fangirling and my friend and I freaked the crap out when they kissed! SO. GOOD. 

Another aspect that I wanted to talk about was the music and score throughout the trilogy of movies. I just realized this when watching this final movie, but they always use this same music phrase in key moments, and it made the scenes even more powerful! Hearing that progression actually pushed me into crying in one scene. Talking about crying, I did that. Multiple times. How could you not? The movie is so bittersweet and touching, and my heart felt like it was breaking and rejoicing at the same time. As you can tell, the movie gave me all the feels.

Does anyone else want prequels of these movies? Ever since I heard the news that The Hunger Games was adapted into film, I have been thinking of all the other movies they can make. For instance, they could do a prequel on the revolution that would start the Hunger Games and the first game to happen. I would also love to see Finnick's game and Annie's as well. To be quite honest, I want to see their love story enfold. But the one prequel I want to happen the most is Haymitch's! If you don't know, Haymitch was victor of the 50th Hunger Games, a Quarter Quell where instead of 24 participants there were 48! Haymitch used the game boundaries as a weapon, and in turn the Capitol killed his family. Talk about brutal! But also, it would give more insight and depth to Haymitch as a character. 

To just recap everything I just said up in those billions of paragraphs, I pretty much said that I loved everything about the movie. This was such a perfect adaptation and I couldn't have asked for a better movie for a better series. In ranking the movies, this was my favorite followed by Catching Fire, and Mockingay Pt. 1 and Hunger Games tied. 

I couldn't recommend this movie more! It was such a great conclusion and though it is bittersweet the series came to an end, I could not be happier. 

With that, I give this book

5 out of 5 Stars!

What's your favorite of the Hunger Games movies? The books? What did you think of the movie? I'm definitley going to watch this again - proabably during Thanksgiving break!

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!